Page 7 - 2022 Summer SWHS Newsletter
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South Whidbey Historical Society

          Membership Form

           Keep our remarkable local history alive for future generations.

           Become a member or renew your annual membership.

           Fill in the information below and mail it along with a check to:
           South Whidbey Historical Society / PO Box 612 / Langley WA 98260.

           You may also join or renew online at our website at:


           Address_______________________________ City, State, & Zip_____________________________

           Telephone________________________   Email__________________________________________

           Enclosed are my annual membership dues:

           r Individual ($20)       r Household ($30)     r Business ($55)        r Lifetime ($300 or more)

           My Donation:  (SWHS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit)

           r Enclosed is a donation of $___________       r Send me information on how to include a
                                                                                                   legacy gift in my will.

          Become a volunteer at               Thanks to Music for the Eyes for

         the SW History Museum                sponsoring this newsletter issue

           Love history? Do you want to
          learn more local history? Do you
          enjoy talking to visitors?
           Consider becoming a docent
          at the South Whidbey Historical
           Volunteer just one three-hour
          shift a month, or whatever works
          for your schedule.                    Thanks to Fred and Sharon Lundahl     Your sponsorship supports the re-

           Training will be provided, and     of Music for the Eyes on First Street in   search and production of our newsletter
                                                                                    and enables us to share South Whidbey
                                              Langley for sponsoring this newsletter.
          you will be paired with another       Would you like to sponsor a future   history online with our more than 3,350
          docent until you feel comfortable   issue of Now and Then? Just contact us   Facebook followers.
          as a volunteer docent.              via email at        Visit us online at our website:
                                              or call the Museum at 360-221-2101.
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