Page 8 - 2022 Summer SWHS Newsletter
P. 8
South Whidbey Historical Society
PO Box 612
Langley WA 98260
the bottom of one of the bluffs. Winter WALTERS: Denny and Chet were manager for the community college
slides were not uncommon. One year brothers. Denny is the one I remember Nora and her husband Willard both
there was a slide near the Scotts that most. He drove a nice little Model A retired from General Telephone. She
pushed a house out into the Sound. Ford pickup. lives in Everett.
SWANSONS: Sid Swanson lived Denny also raised strawberries at one My folks left the Island, and moved
up the hill from the Bay on the Glen- time. He had a patch just across the to Burlington somewhere in the ‘60s
dale Rd. My brother Bob and their son road from the Brockmans. One sum- when my Dad got a job transfer with
Jack were friends and classmates. Jack mer he hired a bunch of us kids to pick the Darigold Company.
joined the Marines after graduation, for him. I may have been 9 or 10 and – Written by Dick Bryant
which prompted my brother Bob to try this was my first job.
the same after he graduated. He was Two of the guys thought it was more
not accepted due to his bad eye from fun to have a strawberry fight than to INSIDE:
the BB incident. actually pick them and get paid for
their effort. Denny caught them and
However the Korean War gave they were promptly fired. Capt. Henry Bailey ..................1-3
Bob the opportunity to serve. He was I got all indignant and said if they go,
drafted and given the choice to either I go. That was not a tough decision on Cultus Bay memories .............4-6
go in the Army for two years or the Denny’s part so I was gone after less Membership form ......................7
Marine Corp for three. He chose the than a day. I’m sure I heard about that
USMC and never seemed to regret it. when I got home, so that action was
Semper Fi!! never repeated. Now accepting SWHS
TRIBOUS: Bob and Eilene Tribou I then picked berries for my Uncle
owned the Cultus Bay Resort (for- Ralph and learned the value of money Board applications
merly A & B Camp) which was out which served me well. If you love history and are looking
on the east entrance to the Bay. Fish- My first big job was picking logan- for a way to give back to our communi-
ing resorts were popular on the Island berries at the farm up by Deer Lake. ty, consider joining the South Whidbey
during this time. Besides renting boats I think I earned $100 that summer. It Historical Society Board.
and selling fishing gear, the Tribous gave Jim and me enough to buy a brand We meet the second Wednesday of
had cabins to rent. new bike. each month from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
We would always go through the Footnotes: After Bob moved back to We look for ways to gather, preserve
resort to get to the goeducks and the the Bay, he and his wife Verina owned and share local history. Sometimes that
clam beds. and operated the Freeland Café until re- involves community talks, exhibits,
VICKERS, Vic: They also lived on tiring and turning it over to their kids. tours and fundraisers.
Cultus Bay Rd. towards Sandy Hook. They built a house at Cultus Bay, and If this sounds like something you
The Vickers gave us the opportunity to raised their family there. would be interested in, just send us an
view television for the very first time. After the Army I moved to Oregon email with a little bit about yourself
They had a little 6” or 8” black and and eventually got into the land survey- and what skills you would like to bring
white, and I thought it was the greatest ing business. to the Board. You are also welcome to
thing. I believe this was around 1948 Jim and his family moved to Wal- sit in on a Board meeting. Email us at
or ‘49. la Walla where he retired as business