Page 7 - Thank You From Duke Law
P. 7

Dear Cleary Gottlieb,

          Thank you for sponsoring and attending Duke Law’s “Sharing
          Our Affinities” reception. I was fortunate enough to speak to a
          member of your team, Huanbing Xu. She was incredibly
          helpful in explaining the work your firm does and what it
          means to practice anti-trust in particular. As a 1L, with only
          some property and torts doctrines under my belt, learning
          about her day-to-day practice and substantive work has helped
          me to orient my job search and narrow my interest in the law.
          More importantly, I enjoyed learning about her career and the                                                  Dear Gibson Dunn,
          ways that your firm has empowered her and other new
          attorneys through diversity initiatives. After speaking to                                                     I am writing to thank you for sponsoring Duke Law’s diversity reception
          Huanbing, I look forward to applying to your diversity                                                         last week. It was refreshing to speak to attorneys from such diverse
          fellowship.                                                                                                    backgrounds and learn what unique challenges they faced at different
                                                                                                                         stages of their careers. I gained valuable advice from several attorneys
          As a student of diverse heritage, I found the opportunity to                                                   in the LGBTQ community and remain in contact with two of them. This
          learn from such a diverse and accomplished group of attorneys                                                  one event has helped further my legal career by allowing me to start
          genuinely insightful. Attorneys from disparate ethnicities,                                                    building a network of attorneys who share my diverse identity.
          states, and practice areas were eager to share valuable advice                                                 It is inspiring to see a commitment to diversity and inclusion from your
          about navigating firm settings and private practice. Thank you                                                 firm, and I will certainly be applying to Gibson Dunn’s 1L diversity
          again for supporting our class in this important way.                                                          program this summer. Thanks again for supporting the success of Duke
                                                                                                                         Law students of all communities.
          Best regards,
                                                                                                                         Best regards,
          Leila Hatem
          Duke University School of Law                                                                                  Maisie Wilson
          J.D. Candidate | Class of 2021                                                                                 Duke University School of Law
                                                                                                                         J.D. Candidate | Class of 2021

                                                                                                                                                            Bellows College
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