Page 8 - Thank You From Duke Law
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Dear Winston & Strawn,
Dear Sidley Austin,
I wanted to reach out to thank you for your generous sponsorship and
Thank you so much for sponsoring the Duke Law “Sharing Our attendance at the Duke Law “Sharing Our Affinities” networking reception. It
Affinities” networking reception. The event helped me see that there are was an engaging and educational night for my fellow students and me. Being
other people like me successfully navigating the private law world. in a room full of diverse professionals, some of whom have my dream job,
Furthermore, it was empowering to talk about my unique perspective and many of whom were in my shoes at Duke just a few years ago, was such a
on the world (as an asset, rather than a hindrance). While it is one thing motivating experience. That experience helped me realize that my own
to read about how people want to create inclusive, informed spaces diversity as an LGBTQ advocate is not only acceptable, but is an asset to firms
where I would be able to thrive, it was encouraging to see so many like Winston & Strawn. I’m also delighted that so many firms are increasingly
firms, including yours, be willing to manifest this dedication into being committed to cultivating a diverse workplace, because it’s a priority to me to
present and genuine at the event. learn from and work with a variety of people who bring a variety of skills and
experiences to the table.
Speaking with your partner David Dummer really spurred me to think
about the role I can play in my future career simply by being myself and Many conversations that I had about attorneys’ career paths, pro bono work,
by being mindful of my efforts. Furthermore, the enthusiasm with and daily assignments helped me shape my vision of my future career, but my
which Mr. Dummer spoke reminded me that I am currently in the conversation with Lauren Randle and Marcus Garcia from Winston & Strawn
search for a fulfilling career, not just a job. I understand that diversity stood out. Lauren and I spoke about her work as a business restructuring
initiatives all depend on the hard work, dedication, and vision of driven, associate and the independence that being in a smaller practice group affords
intentional thought-leaders and organizations. Just like Mr. Dummer her. We also discussed the geographic differences in firm culture, which was a
and the other attorneys present at the reception, I look forward to doing conversation I’ll be replaying in my mind as I make decisions about which
my part while I am in law school and when I enter the profession. legal markets to pursue. Marcus had very helpful advice about leveraging
Chicago’s growing importance as a legal market to pursue a litigation career.
Thank you, on behalf of my Duke Law classmates, for helping us I was also grateful for the opportunity to speak with him because I’m
associate networking and connecting with mentors with an inviting, particularly interested in employment law as a practice area.
supportive space. I have spoken to my peers, and many are feeling far
more confident about their place in the legal profession after the event. Thank you again so much for your support of this event! I feel better prepared
This newfound confidence has infused me with an air of confidence that to talk about myself as a diverse professional and find avenues for
is amplifying through a positive feedback loop as I take risks and involvement in the affinity groups and pro bono projects of my future firm.
encourage others to do so as well.
Best regards, Yours,
Garmai Gorlorwulu Xan Belzley
Duke University School of Law Duke University School of Law
J.D. Candidate | Class of 2021 J.D. Candidate | Class of 2021
Bellows College