Page 154 - Florida Pest Control Examinations
P. 154

FDACS         Florida Building        HUD/VA/FHA          Other Institution Requirements
              requirements     Code Requirements Requirements
                               Notification of
                               treatment – to be
                               posted in duplicate
              records –        on a job board at
                               the site after each
              To be retained   required treatment.
              by licensee for   Must include –
              three years.     Product used
              Must include:
              Licensee         Chemical used
                               (pesticide active
              Date             ingredient)
              Pesticide        Date, Time
              Volume           Applicator              Forms NPCA
              of gallons       Site Location           99a and NPCA        Partial treatment statements or
                                                       99b must be
              applied)         Volume (number of       completed           certificates for construction loan
              Percent          gallons applied)        (these are          draws
              concentration    Percent                 obtained from       Final treatment statements or
              Area treated
              – Square         concentration           the National Pest  certificates for final closing.
                               Area treated – Sq.
              footage          footage                 Association)
              Location         Certificate of
              treated          Compliance - to
              Accurate         be provided to
                               building department
              records of       when treatment
              pesticides       completed
              purchased,       Permanent Notice
              area treated,
              and number of    of Protection -
                               must be posted in
              sites treated
                               finished home by
                               water heater or
                               electrical panel

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