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On the outside of the respirator it must say  and look at it carefully. Is it torn or worn                                On the outside of the respirator it must say  and look at it carefully. Is it torn or worn
                    that it is approved by the National Institute  out? If there are no cracks or other prob-  >>                             that it is approved by the National Institute  out? If there are no cracks or other prob-  >>
                    for Occupational Safety and Health    lems you can see, you may need to change  If you don’t get all the                  for Occupational Safety and Health     lems you can see, you may need to change  If you don’t get all the
                    (NIOSH).                              the filter.                               information you need in your              (NIOSH).                               the filter.                              information you need in your
                                                          Because many pesticides do not have a     training, or from your                                                           Because many pesticides do not have a    training, or from your
                    CAN ANYONE USE A RESPIRATOR?          smell or cause irritation, your supervisor  supervisor, you should call             CAN ANYONE USE A RESPIRATOR?           smell or cause irritation, your supervisor  supervisor, you should call
                    Breathing through a respirator can be very  must replace the filter often.      your County Agricultural                  Breathing through a respirator can be very  must replace the filter often.      your County Agricultural
                    hard for some people. People with problems                                                                                hard for some people. People with problems
                    such as high blood pressure, heart disease,  THE FILTER MUST BE REPLACED        Commissioner, or                          such as high blood pressure, heart disease,  THE FILTER MUST BE REPLACED        Commissioner, or
                    lung disease or a perforated eardrum may  • when directions on the pesticide label say  the Department of Pesticide       lung disease or a perforated eardrum may  • when directions on the pesticide label say  the Department of Pesticide
                    not be able to use respirators. If you are  so, or                              Regulation (DPR) for more                 not be able to use respirators. If you are  so, or                              Regulation (DPR) for more
                    using a pesticide and are supposed to use a                                                                               using a pesticide and are supposed to use a
                    respirator, your supervisor must ask you if  • when the respirator maker says it should be  information.  You can find the  respirator, your supervisor must ask you if  • when the respirator maker says it should be  information.  You can find the
                    you have any of these health problems. If  replaced, or                         Commissioner’s number in                  you have any of these health problems. If  replaced, or                         Commissioner’s number in
                    you do, you must get a doctor’s permission  • when you first notice smell, taste or  your local white pages  phone        you do, you must get a doctor’s permission  • when you first notice smell, taste or  your local white pages  phone
                    to use a respirator. If you have told your  irritation, or                      directory.  DPR numbers are:              to use a respirator. If you have told your  irritation, or                      directory.  DPR numbers are:
                    supervisor that you might have a health                                                                                   supervisor that you might have a health
                    problem, the doctor must examine you.  • at the end of each workday.            • Anaheim (714) 279-7690                  problem, the doctor must examine you.  • at the end of each workday.            • Anaheim (714) 279-7690
                    The doctor then must give his report to  Follow the rule that replaces the filter soonest.  • Fresno (559) 445-5401       The doctor then must give his report to  Follow the rule that replaces the filter soonest.  • Fresno (559) 445-5401
                    your supervisor. Your supervisor must                                           • Sacramento (916) 324-4100               your supervisor. Your supervisor must                                           • Sacramento (916) 324-4100
                    follow the doctor’s written orders about  REMEMBER: Respirators only protect                                              follow the doctor’s written orders about  REMEMBER: Respirators only protect
                    whether or not you can wear a respirator.  you from breathing chemicals. Most of the                                      whether or not you can wear a respirator.  you from breathing chemicals. Most of the
                                                          time when pesticides are used, protecting                                                                                  time when pesticides are used, protecting
                                                          your skin is also important.                                                                                               your skin is also important.
                    IF I HAVE A MUSTACHE OR A BEARD,                                                                                          IF I HAVE A MUSTACHE OR A BEARD,
                    CAN I WEAR A RESPIRATOR?                                                                                                  CAN I WEAR A RESPIRATOR?
                                                          WHO TAKES CARE OF THE                                                                                                      WHO TAKES CARE OF THE
                    • If you have a beard, a bushy mustache,  RESPIRATOR?                                                                     • If you have a beard, a bushy mustache,  RESPIRATOR?
                      or long sideburns, a regular respirator                                                                                   or long sideburns, a regular respirator
                      won’t protect you because the mus-  When respirators are broken, your super-                                              won’t protect you because the mus-   When respirators are broken, your super-
                      tache, beard or sideburns keep it from  visor must fix them. If they cannot be                                            tache, beard or sideburns keep it from  visor must fix them. If they cannot be
                      making a tight seal on your face. You  fixed, your supervisor must get new ones.                                          making a tight seal on your face. You  fixed, your supervisor must get new ones.
                      need to use a special respirator    Respirators should be cleaned and in-                                                 need to use a special respirator     Respirators should be cleaned and in-
                    • If your supervisor doesn’t have one of  spected regularly by a person who is                                            • If your supervisor doesn’t have one of  spected regularly by a person who is
                      these special respirators, you cannot do  trained to do this job. Do not use someone                                      these special respirators, you cannot do  trained to do this job. Do not use someone
                      the work.                           else’s respirator without cleaning and                                                the work.                            else’s respirator without cleaning and
                                                          disinfecting it first. If the other person has a                                                                           disinfecting it first. If the other person has a
                    HOW CAN I TELL IF MY RESPIRATOR       cold or the flu, you can get sick, too. It’s                                        HOW CAN I TELL IF MY RESPIRATOR        cold or the flu, you can get sick, too. It’s
                    IS WORKING?                                                                                                               IS WORKING?
                                                          best if each worker has his own respirator.                                                                                best if each worker has his own respirator.
                    Most respirators do not really clean the air.  Or you can use respirators that can be                                     Most respirators do not really clean the air.  Or you can use respirators that can be
                    What they do is stop most harmful chemi-  thrown away after they are used.                                                What they do is stop most harmful chemi-  thrown away after they are used.
                    cals from getting into your lungs. They do                                                                                cals from getting into your lungs. They do
                    this with special filters. But these filters  Respirators should be stored so the face piece                              this with special filters. But these filters  Respirators should be stored so the face piece
                    stop working after a while. Then the pesti-  does not become bent. They need to be                                        stop working after a while. Then the pesti-  does not become bent. They need to be
                    cide will pass through and you will breathe  protected from dust, sunlight, and big                                       cide will pass through and you will breathe  protected from dust, sunlight, and big
                    it in. If you notice a smell or taste, if your  changes in temperature. Water or certain                                  it in. If you notice a smell or taste, if your  changes in temperature. Water or certain
                    eyes or throat burn, or if it gets hard for  chemicals can also damage them. Hard                                         eyes or throat burn, or if it gets hard for  chemicals can also damage them. Hard
                    you to breathe, leave the area RIGHT  plastic containers with lids are good                                               you to breathe, leave the area RIGHT   plastic containers with lids are good
                    AWAY. Go to a safe area that contains no  storage containers for respirators. Store                                       AWAY. Go to a safe area that contains no  storage containers for respirators. Store
                    pesticides. Then take off your respirator  respirators and all personal protective                                        pesticides. Then take off your respirator  respirators and all personal protective
                                                          equipment away from pesticides.                                                                                            equipment away from pesticides.

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