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H How  can  I  tell  whicow  can  I  tell  which  pesticides  areh pesticides  are  • If the pesticide can make you        H How  can  I  tell  whicow  can  I  tell  which  pesticides  areh  pesticides  are  • If the pesticide can make you
                                                                                                                                H How  can  I  tell  which  pesticides  are
                                                                                                                                How  can  I  tell  whicow  can  I  tell  which  pesticides  areh  pesticides  are
     How  can  I  tell  whicow  can  I  tell  which pesticides  areh pesticides  are
     H How  can  I  tell  which  pesticides  are
                                                                                                                                more  dangerous?ore  dangerous?
                                                                                                                                m more  dangerous?
     m more  dangerous?ore  dangerous?
     more  dangerous?ore  dangerous?           very sick, the label will have a                                                 m more  dangerous?ore  dangerous?         very sick, the label will have a
     m more  dangerous?
     Most pesticide labels have a signal word in  skull-and-crossbones symbol                                                   Most pesticide labels have a signal word in  skull-and-crossbones symbol
     large print on the front of the label. This word  and the word “POISON.”                                                   large print on the front of the label. This word  and the word “POISON.”
     tells you about the acute health effect of the  • Words like “FATAL” or “may                                               tells you about the acute health effect of the  • Words like “FATAL” or “may
     pesticide. If a pesticide can hurt you or make  be fatal if swallowed, inhaled, or                                         pesticide. If a pesticide can hurt you or make  be fatal if swallowed, inhaled, or
     you sick right away, that’s called an acute  absorbed through the skin,” mean                                              you sick right away, that’s called an acute  absorbed through the skin,” mean
     effect. If it takes months or years of exposure  the pesticide can make you very sick or                                   effect. If it takes months or years of exposure  the pesticide can make you very sick or
     to a pesticide before you get sick, that’s called  even kill you.                                                          to a pesticide before you get sick, that’s called  even kill you.
     a chronic effect.                                                                                                          a chronic effect.
                                             • Some pesticide labels tell you about                                                                                     • Some pesticide labels tell you about
                                                                                                                                T These  are  the  words  that  tell  about
                                                                                                                                These  are  the  words  that  tell  abouthese  are  the  words  that  tell  about
     T These  are  the  words  that  tell  about
     These  are  the  words  that  tell  abouthese  are  the  words  that  tell  about
     T These  are  the  words  that  tell  abouthese  are  the  words  that  tell  about  other health problems that might not  T These  are  the  words  that  tell  abouthese  are  the  words  that  tell  about  other health problems that might not
     a acute  fects                            show up until long after use, such as                                            a acute  fects                            show up until long after use, such as
                                                                                                                                a acute
                                                                                                                                acute  efcute  ef efcute  ef effectsfects
     acute  efcute  ef efcute  ef effectsfects
     a acute
     • DANGER means the pesticide is           cancer (may take years) or dangers to                                            • DANGER means the pesticide is           cancer (may take years) or dangers to
       extremely harmful                       unborn babies.                                                                     extremely harmful                       unborn babies.
     • WARNING means less harmful, but still                                               O Other  handoutsther  handouts      • WARNING means less harmful, but still                                               Other  handoutsther  handouts
                                                                                           Other  handoutsther  handouts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      O Other  handoutsther  handouts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      O Other  handouts
                                                                                           O Other  handouts
       dangerous                             ARE THERE ANY EXTRA RULES FOR                m mentioned  in  this                   dangerous                             ARE THERE ANY EXTRA RULES FOR                m mentioned  in  thisentioned  in  this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     mentioned  in  thisentioned  in  this
                                                                                          mentioned  in  thisentioned  in  this
                                                                                          m mentioned  in  thisentioned  in  this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     m mentioned  in  this
                                                                                                                                                                        VERY  DANGEROUS  PESTICIDES?
                                             VERY DANGEROUS  PESTICIDES?
                                                                                          document  shouldocument  should
                                                                                          d document  should
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     d document  shouldocument  should
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     d document  should
     • CAUTION means much slightly           Yes, there is a group of pesticides, called  d document  shouldocument  should     • CAUTION means much slightly           Yes, there is a group of pesticides, called  document  shouldocument  should
                                                                                           b be pare part of yourt of your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      b be part of your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      b be pare part of yourt of your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      be pare part of yourt of your
                                                                                           b be part of your
                                                                                           be pare part of yourt of your
       harmful, but still can make you sick  Minimal Exposure Pesticides (MEPs) that      t training.raining. They  areThey  are  harmful, but still can make you sick  Minimal Exposure Pesticides (MEPs) that      t training. They  are
                                                                                          t training. They  are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     t training.raining. They  areThey  are
     If the label does not have one of these  California has extra rules for because they  training.raining. They  areThey  are  If the label does not have one of these  California has extra rules for because they  training.raining. They  areThey  are
                                                                                             f free and areree and are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       f free and areree and are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       free and areree and are
                                                                                             f free and are
                                                                                             free and areree and are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       f free and are
     words, it means that the pesticide is un-  could be especially dangerous to you.       a available  from                   words, it means that the pesticide is un-  could be especially dangerous to you.      available  fromvailable  from
                                                                                            available  fromvailable  from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a available  fromvailable  from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a available  from
                                                                                            a available  fromvailable  from
     likely to harm you. However, always                                                   y your  supervisor                   likely to harm you. However, always                                                   your  supervisorour  supervisor
                                                                                           your  supervisorour  supervisor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      y your  supervisorour  supervisor
                                                                                           y your  supervisorour  supervisor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      y your  supervisor
                                             T These  are  the  pesticides  on  thishese  are  the  pesticides  on  this
                                                                                                                                                                        T These  are  the  pesticides  on  thishese  are  the  pesticides  on  this
                                             These  are  the  pesticides  on  thishese  are  the  pesticides  on  this
                                                                                                                                                                        These  are  the  pesticides  on  thishese  are  the  pesticides  on  this
     handle pesticides carefully.            T These  are  the  pesticides  on  this        a and your localnd your local       handle pesticides carefully.            T These  are  the  pesticides  on  this       a and your local
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a and your localnd your local
                                                                                            a and your local
                                                                                            and your localnd your local
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and your localnd your local
                                             l list                                                                                                                     l list
                                             l listist
                                                                                                                                                                        l listist
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       a agricultural
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       a agriculturalgricultural
                                                                                             a agriculturalgricultural
                                             • Buctril                                       a agricultural                                                             • Buctril                                      agriculturalgricultural
     WHAT ELSE DOES THE LABEL TELL ME?                                                     c commissionerommissioner’’ss        WHAT ELSE DOES THE LABEL TELL ME?                                                     c commissionerommissioner’’ss
                                                                                           c commissioner’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      c commissioner’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          off off office.fice.
                                                                                               off off office.fice.
     • If the pesticide can severely hurt your  • Metasystox-R                                 o o fice.fice.                   • If the pesticide can severely hurt your  • Metasystox-R                                 o o fice.fice.
       eyes or skin, the label will say some-  See the N-10 safety leaflet or more infor-                                         eyes or skin, the label will say some-  See the N-10 safety leaflet or more infor-
       thing like “Corrosive, causes eye and  mation about these pesticides.                                                      thing like “Corrosive, causes eye and  mation about these pesticides.
       skin damage.”                                                                                                              skin damage.”
                  SUMMARY OF RECORDS YOUR EMPLOYER MUST KEEP                                                                                 SUMMARY OF RECORDS  YOUR EMPLOYER MUST KEEP
      Information                             Location                                                                           Information                             Location
      Training papers                         Employer’s office site                                                             Training papers                         Employer’s office site
      Written training program                Employer’s office site                                                             Written training program                Employer’s  office site
      Respirator program procedures           Employer’s office site                                                             Respirator program procedures           Employer’s office site
      Accident response plan (fumigants)      Work site                                                                          Accident response plan (fumigants)      Work site
      Pesticide label                         Work site                                                                          Pesticide label                         Work site
      Pesticide Safety Information Series     Employer’s office site                                                             Pesticide Safety Information Series     Employer’s  office site
      Material Safety Data Sheet              Employer’s office site                                                             Material Safety Data Sheet              Employer’s  office site
      Storage area posting 1                  Storage area                                                                       Storage area posting 1                  Storage area
      Emergency medical care notice           Work site                                                                          Emergency medical care notice           Work site
      Doctor’s report for respirator use      Employer’s office site                                                             Doctor’s report for respirator use      Employer’s office site
      Pesticide use records                   Employer’s office site                                                             Pesticide use records                   Employer’s  office site
      1 Required only for pesticides with the Signal word “DANGER” or “WARNING”                                                  1 Required only for pesticides with the Signal word “DANGER” or “WARNING”
                                                                                    N8 • 3                                                                                                                     N8 • 3
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