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These records are khese records are k khese records are kept at:ept at:
ept at:
T These
ept at:
These records are khese records are k khese records are kept at:ept at:
T These
T These records are records are kept at:ept at: • You must also be given training T These records are records are kept at:ept at: • You must also be given training
Pesticide Safety Training Pesticide Safety Training
each year to remind you how to Label Signal Words each year to remind you how to Label Signal Words
work with pesticides safely. Warning =Medium hazard work with pesticides safely. Warning =Medium hazard
DANGER= Very hazardous
DANGER= Very hazardous
Caution = PSIS A-1 Caution = PSIS A-1
• You must be told the ways a pesti- • You must be told the ways a pesti-
cide can hurt you and how to safely cide can hurt you and how to safely
use each pesticide you work with. use each pesticide you work with.
(Ask your supervisor for the N-1 (Ask your supervisor for the N-1
If you get sick or hurt BECAUSE OF safety leaflet to learn more about If you get sick or hurt BECAUSE OF safety leaflet to learn more about
YOUR JOB, you have the right to file for training.) YOUR JOB, you have the right to file for training.)
worker’s compensation. Workers’ compensa- • You must get extra training if you have worker’s compensation. Workers’ compensa- • You must get extra training if you have
tion will pay for your medical bills, and to use a respirator (ask your supervisor tion will pay for your medical bills, and to use a respirator (ask your supervisor
sometimes, lost pay. for the N-5 safety leaflet). sometimes, lost pay. for the N-5 safety leaflet).
Your supervisor must explain your rights All the information in your training must Your supervisor must explain your rights All the information in your training must
to you. If you need more help in under- also be written down. You will be given a to you. If you need more help in under- also be written down. You will be given a
standing your rights, call or go to your paper to sign to show you have been standing your rights, call or go to your paper to sign to show you have been
local county agricultural commissioner’s trained. But only do that when you have local county agricultural commissioner’s trained. But only do that when you have
office, local legal aid, and worker’s rights finished the training and you understand office, local legal aid, and worker’s rights finished the training and you understand
office, union or the Department of Pesti- what you heard. office, union or the Department of Pesti- what you heard.
cide Regulation (DPR). cide Regulation (DPR).
The DPR ofhe DPR of ofhe DPR offices are:fices are:
T The DPR DPR offices are:fices are:
The DPR ofhe DPR of ofhe DPR offices are:fices are:
T The DPR DPR offices are:fices are:
• Anaheim (714) 279-7690 LABEL TELL ME? • Anaheim (714) 279-7690 LABEL TELL ME?
• Fresno (559) 243-8111 S S S S Some of the most imporome of the most important thingstant things • Fresno (559) 243-8111 S S S S Some of the most imporome of the most important thingstant things
ome of the most imporme of the most important thingstant things
ome of the most imporme of the most important thingstant things
o ome of the most important things
o ome of the most important things
• Sacramento (916) 324-4100 listed on the label areisted on the label are • Sacramento (916) 324-4100 listed on the label areisted on the label are
l listed on the label are
l listed on the label areisted on the label are
l listed on the label are
l listed on the label areisted on the label are
• what chemicals are in the pesticide, Pesticide Name • what chemicals are in the pesticide, Pesticide Name
WHO DO I TELL ABOUT EPA Registration No. WHO DO I TELL ABOUT EPA Registration No.
DANGERS AT WORK? • first aid and health warnings, Active Ingredients xx% DANGERS AT WORK? • first aid and health warnings, Active Ingredients xx%
Pesticides are only one kind of danger at • protective equipment you need, Inert Ingredients x% Pesticides are only one kind of danger at • protective equipment you need, Inert Ingredients x%
your work. If you Statement of Practical Treatment your work. If you Statement of Practical Treatment
have a complaint • and directions for applying the Do not give fluids to an unconscious person have a complaint • and directions for applying the Do not give fluids to an unconscious person
If in eyes rinse eyes with a gentle stream of water for 15 minutes
If in eyes rinse eyes with a gentle stream of water for 15 minutes
about a pesticide Government Pages pesticide. Precautionary Statements about a pesticide Government Pages pesticide. Precautionary Statements
safety problem, County Offices All pesticides are poisonous. If a pesticide Hazards to Humans safety problem, County Offices All pesticides are poisonous. If a pesticide Hazards to Humans
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment
you should call State Offices gets in or on you, it can hurt you or make Environmental Hazards you should call State Offices gets in or on you, it can hurt you or make Environmental Hazards
the county Industrial you sick. Directions for Use the county Industrial you sick. Directions for Use
Do not apply in irrigation system
Do not apply in irrigation system
agricultural Do not apply when people are present agricultural Do not apply when people are present
Do not allow spray to drift off-site
Do not allow spray to drift off-site
Apply only according to the directions on the label
Apply only according to the directions on the label
commissioner. The pesticide label tells you how to safely commissioner. The pesticide label tells you how to safely
Other health and safety complaints (bath- mix and apply the pesticide. The label Other health and safety complaints (bath- mix and apply the pesticide. The label
rooms, drinking water, etc.) should be filed must be at the place where you mix or rooms, drinking water, etc.) should be filed must be at the place where you mix or
with the California Department of Indus- apply the pesticide. You must read and with the California Department of Indus- apply the pesticide. You must read and
trial Relations-Cal/OSHA office. You can follow ALL directions on the label. There trial Relations-Cal/OSHA office. You can follow ALL directions on the label. There
find the telephone numbers in the govern- may also be product bulletins or other find the telephone numbers in the govern- may also be product bulletins or other
ment pages of the telephone book. extra label information that you must read ment pages of the telephone book. extra label information that you must read
and follow. and follow.
W What training should I get?
What training should I get?hat training should I get?
W What training should I get?hat training should I get?
What training should I get?hat training should I get?
W What training should I get?hat training should I get? If you have to move pesticides from one W What training should I get? If you have to move pesticides from one
• You must be trained in a way that you place to another, or dispose of empty • You must be trained in a way that you place to another, or dispose of empty
understand before you begin working pesticide containers, there are special understand before you begin working pesticide containers, there are special
with pesticides, and anytime you work rules your supervisor must tell you about. with pesticides, and anytime you work rules your supervisor must tell you about.
with new pesticides. Ask for the N-2 safety leaflet for more with new pesticides. Ask for the N-2 safety leaflet for more
information. information.
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