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WHAT MUST MY EMPLOYER DO TO            • A closed system for mixing and loading,                                          WHAT MUST MY EMPLOYER DO TO            • A closed system for mixing and loading,
                   PROTECT ME WHEN I USE A MEP?                                                  >>                                          PROTECT ME WHEN I USE A MEP?                                                  >>
                                                            so that you are never exposed to the                                                                                      so that you are never exposed to the
                                                                                                                                             I If  you  handle  MEPs,  your  em-
                   If  you  handle  MEPs,  your  em-f  you  handle  MEPs,  your  em-
                                                                                                                                              If  you  handle  MEPs,  your  em-f  you  handle  MEPs,  your  em-
                   I If  you  handle  MEPs,  your  em-      pesticide.                              If you don’t get all the                 I If  you  handle  MEPs,  your  em-f  you  handle  MEPs,  your  em-  pesticide.  If you don’t get all the
                   I If  you  handle  MEPs,  your  em-f  you  handle  MEPs,  your  em-
                   ployer  must  makloyer  must  make  sure  you  havee  sure  you  have
                                                                                                                                              ployer  must  makloyer  must  make  sure  you  havee  sure  you  have
                                                                                                                                             ployer  must  make  sure  you  haveployer  must  make  sure  you  have
                   ployer  must  make  sure  you  haveployer  must  make  sure  you  have
                   p ployer  must  make  sure  you  have  • The right kind of respirator. (Ask your  information you need in your            p ployer  must  make  sure  you  have  • The right kind of respirator. (Ask your  information you need in your
                   • Clean coveralls (this is one or two pieces  supervisor for the N-5 safety leaflet, for  training, or from your          • Clean coveralls (this is one or two pieces  supervisor for the N-5 safety leaflet, for  training, or from your
                     of clothing that covers your body, except  more information on respirators.)   supervisor, you should call                 of clothing that covers your body, except  more information on respirators.)  supervisor, you should call
                     your head, hands and feet). Your em-  • A place with clean towels, soap and    your County Agricultural                    your head, hands and feet). Your em-  • A place with clean towels, soap and   your County Agricultural
                     ployer must make sure that you start   water where you can change clothes                                                  ployer must make sure that you start  water where you can change clothes
                     each work day with clean coveralls.    and wash at the end of your work day.   Commissioner, or                            each work day with clean coveralls.   and wash at the end of your work day.   Commissioner, or
                   • Clean, chemical resistant clothes that                                         the Department of Pesticide              • Clean, chemical resistant clothes that                                         the Department of Pesticide
                     cover your body, including your hands  ARE THERE ANY SPECIAL RULES             Regulation (DPR) for more                   cover your body, including your hands  ARE THERE ANY SPECIAL RULES            Regulation (DPR) for more
                     and feet.                            I SHOULD KNOW?                            information.  You can find the              and feet.                           I SHOULD KNOW?                            information.  You can find the
                   • A clean, pesticide-free place to store your  If you use certain kinds of equipment to protect  Commissioner’s number in  • A clean, pesticide-free place to store your  If you use certain kinds of equipment to protect  Commissioner’s number in
                     own clothes while you work with these  yourself at work, you may not have to wear full  your local white pages  phone      own clothes while you work with these  yourself at work, you may not have to wear full  your local white pages  phone
                     pesticides.                          body personal protective equipment (PPE).                                             pesticides.                         body personal protective equipment (PPE).
                                                          Ask your supervisor for a copy of the N-3  directory.  DPR numbers are:                                                   Ask your supervisor for a copy of the N-3  directory.  DPR numbers are:
                   • Clean towels, soap and clean water at  safety leaflet, for more information about the  • Anaheim (714) 279-7690         • Clean towels, soap and clean water at  safety leaflet, for more information about the  • Anaheim (714) 279-7690
                     the place where you mix and load the  equipment. There is also more information in                                         the place where you mix and load the  equipment. There is also more information in
                     pesticides. This is both for washing  the table below that explains the substitutions.  • Fresno (559) 445-5401            pesticides. This is both for washing  the table below that explains the substitutions.  • Fresno (559) 445-5401
                     everyday, and in an emergency.                                                 • Sacramento (916) 324-4100                 everyday, and in an emergency.                                                • Sacramento (916) 324-4100

                                            ENCLOSED CABS, OR WATER-SOLUBLE PACKAGING                                                                                 ENCLOSED CABS, OR  WATER-SOLUBLE PACKAGING

                   If you use                     You may use 1                  Instead of this                                              If you use                    You may use 1                  Instead of this

                   Closed system for pesticides with  Coveralls, chemical-resistant  PPE required on the pesticide labeling                   Closed system for pesticides with  Coveralls, chemical-resistant  PPE required on the pesticide labeling
                   “Danger” or “Warning”  2, 3    gloves, chemical-resistant apron                                                            “Danger” or “Warning”  2, 3   gloves, chemical-resistant apron
                                                  eye protection                                                                                                            eye protection

                   Closed system for pesticides   Work clothing (shirt, pants, shoes)  PPE required on the pesticide labeling                 Closed system for pesticides  Work clothing (shirt, pants, shoes)  PPE required on the pesticide labeling
                   with “Caution”  2, 3           eye protection                                                                              with “Caution”  2, 3          eye protection

                   Enclosed cab                   Work clothing and respiratory  PPE required on the pesticide labeling                       Enclosed cab                  Work clothing and respiratory  PPE required on the pesticide labeling
                                                  protection required on the label                                                                                          protection required on the label

                   Enclosed cab acceptable for    Work clothing                  PPE required on the pesticide labeling                       Enclosed cab acceptable for   Work clothing                  PPE required on the pesticide labeling
                   respiratory protection                                                                                                     respiratory protection

                   1 For any substitution, all PPE required by the label must be available on site in case of an emergency.                   1 For any substitution, all PPE required by the label must be available on site in case of an emergency.
                   2 If the closed system is not under pressure, you do not need to wear eye protection.                                      2 If the closed system is not under pressure, you do not need to wear eye protection.
                   3 Using pesticides in water-soluble packages is considered the same as mixing with a closed system.  However, transfer from mix tank to  3 Using pesticides in water-soluble packages is considered the same as mixing with a closed system.  However, transfer from mix tank to
                      application tank must be made with a closed system.                                                                       application tank must be made with a closed system.

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