Page 225 - 8.5X11__AZ_VERSION_2_9-12-07
P. 225
Safety Rules Safety Rules
for Minimal for Minimal
Exposure Pesticides (MEPs) in N No.1 1 Exposure Pesticides (MEPs) in N No.o.10
N No.o.10
No.o.10 010 0
No.o.10 010 0
N No.1 1
Non-Agricultural Settings Non-Agricultural Settings
Pesticides can get into your body many different ways. They Pesticides can get into your body many different ways. They
can make you sick by moving into your body through your can make you sick by moving into your body through your
skin or eyes, or through your lungs as you breathe. skin or eyes, or through your lungs as you breathe.
WHAT ARE THE ”MINIMAL DANGER: If you are a pregnant woman WHAT ARE THE ”MINIMAL DANGER: If you are a pregnant woman
and are exposed to even a little of this and are exposed to even a little of this
Some pesticides are called “Minimal pesticide, it can harm both you and Some pesticides are called “Minimal pesticide, it can harm both you and
Exposure Pesticides,” or MEPs, because your unborn child. Exposure Pesticides,” or MEPs, because your unborn child.
s important
s important
s important
It’t’ It’t’ It’s important to totant to to
s important
It’t’ It’t’ It’s important to totant to to
it’s important to make sure that your body 2 2. Metasysto. Metasystoxx-R and Inject-A-Cide-R and Inject-A-Cide I I s impors important to it’s important to make sure that your body 2 2. Metasystox-R and Inject-A-Cide I I s impors important to
2. Metasysto. Metasystox-R and Inject-A-Cidex-R and Inject-A-Cide
2. Metasysto. Metasystox-R and Inject-A-Cidex-R and Inject-A-Cide
2 2. Metasystox-R and Inject-A-Cide
2 2. Metasysto. Metasystoxx-R and Inject-A-Cide-R and Inject-A-Cide
makake sure thate sure that
m make sure that
m make sure that
makake sure thate sure that
is exposed as little as possible. The pesti- make sure thatmake sure that is exposed as little as possible. The pesti- make sure thatmake sure that
your body is isour body is is
your body body is
your body body is
y your body
cides are on this list because they can hurt USE: Kills insects and mites in landscape your body is isour body is is cides are on this list because they can hurt USE: Kills insects and mites in landscape y your body
exposed as littleexposed as little
exposed as litxposed as littletle
exposed as littleexposed as little
e exposed as little
you in ways you might not notice right maintenance and rights-of-way. e exposed as little you in ways you might not notice right maintenance and rights-of-way. exposed as litxposed as littletle
as possibles possible
as possibles possible
a as possible
a as possible
away. If you are exposed to them, they DANGER: These pesticides can affect as possibleas possible away. If you are exposed to them, they DANGER: These pesticides can affect as possibleas possible
t to MEPs
to MEPso MEPs
t to MEPs
to MEPso MEPs
could be doing damage in your body, your nervous system. If you are ex- to MEPsto MEPs. could be doing damage in your body, your nervous system. If you are ex- to MEPsto MEPs.
causing problems you might not notice posed to too much of them, you may causing problems you might not notice posed to too much of them, you may
until much later. If you work with pesti- start vomiting right away, get a head- until much later. If you work with pesti- start vomiting right away, get a head-
cides in non-farm settings, these are the ache, feel sick to your stomach, or cides in non-farm settings, these are the ache, feel sick to your stomach, or
two MEPS you might use. your vision may be blurred. If you are two MEPS you might use. your vision may be blurred. If you are
a man and are exposed to even a little a man and are exposed to even a little
. BuctrilBuctril
. . Buctril
. . Buctril
. Buctril Buctril
1 1 1 1 1. Buctril 1 1 1 1 1. Buctril
. Buctril
. Buctril
of these pesticides, it might hurt your of these pesticides, it might hurt your
USE: Kills broadleaf ability to have children. USE: Kills broadleaf ability to have children.
weeds in ornamental weeds in ornamental
turf. Also used in land- turf. Also used in land-
scape maintenance and scape maintenance and
rights-of-way. rights-of-way.
HS-1759 HS-1759
Revised September 2003 Revised September 2003
232 219