Page 14 - 2023-May-June-Journal
P. 14

Mica Guzman, MD

                            Sports Medicine

                           “I feel rewarded and invested in my
                           well-being by being able to paint.
                           I’ve noticed painting has been a
                            catalyst for increased patience,
                            empathy, passion, and even as
                            a source of adventure,” explains
                             Dr. Mica Guzman. Guzman’s love of painting began in high school
                             art class, but it was during medical school that he used his hobby as an outlet for
                      both mental and dexterity focus. His medium is acrylic paint due to the consistency and
                   textures he can create. “I most enjoy painting projects when I become oblivious to the time
                   because I am captured by the advancement of the painting.”

                                                                    Nina Nandy, MD


                                                   “I am a self-taught artist who started drawing at a young age. I was
                                                    inspired by my artistic grandparents. I even won a scholarship at a
                                                    local art institute as a child, so I got to experience all types of
                                                    mediums,” says Dr. Nina Nandy. Currently, Nandy works with pen
                                                     and ink, charcoal and sometimes acrylics and oil paints. “I like to
                                                     unwind with a good book or a sketchpad a few times a week to
                                                      relax. I will start bigger projects a few times a month,” she explains.
                                                      “My artistic endeavors challenge so many parts of my creative
                                          soul that is in juxtaposition to being a physician. It keeps me balanced.”

                      Robert Emmick, MD

                               Emergency Medicine

           “I started taking photos when I was young using a Kodak box
           camera. When I was a teenager, my father got me a new
           camera and I used it everywhere, but it wasn’t until 2005
           that I really became interested in composition,”
           Emmick says. As with many hobbyists, Emmick
           fine-tuned his photography during the COVID pandemic
           and began focusing on birds. Over the past few years, he has
           traveled extensively to Alaska and Africa taking
           photographs of birds and wildlife. “I love being out in the
           setting trying to capture the beauty of nature before me.”

        14 14                                            2023  May  •  June                                       TCMS
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