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Continued from page 17               the direct and indirect costs of a cyberattack,   prevention strategy that prevents,
                                                especially if health care operations    detects, and responds to data breaches
          as not all losses will be covered and there  depend upon the uninterrupted access   is of paramount importance in today’s
          is always some retained risk. However,   to electronic data for income generation.   digital world.
          many insurers offer free or fee-based      It is also advisable for practices
          risk management consulting services to   to carefully review third-party service
          help customers mitigate cyberattacks,   contracts with legal counsel to determine
          including conducting risk assessments    exactly what damages they may be liable
          of IT infrastructure, security risks, and   for in the event of a cyber incident—
          vulnerabilities, as well as offering    particularly with regard to liability    1. “Angle of repose” is defined by Merriam-Webster
          resources and employee training.      assumed under contract—as it relates to   Dictionary as: “The angle that the plane of contact
              Physicians should review and update  the use, disclosure, or safeguarding    between two bodies makes with the horizontal when
          their cybersecurity protocols with a    of ePHI.                           the upper body is just on the point of sliding [off].”
                                                                                      Non-physical business interruption: unauthorized
          critical eye toward policies, procedures,      Of course, the best insurance is   access to a computer system, which merely results in
          and contingency plans that will ensure   to regularly back up data and store it   the loss or corruption of electronic data or blocks
          the restoration of lost or damaged data   securely and offline; encrypt data at rest   access to a network, is considered an intangible
          and mitigate potential downtime.      and in-transit and restrict access to it;   property loss (data is not tangible property).
          Evolving cyber threats and third-party   train staff members on up-to-date    3. Ragan S. Customers describe the impact of the
          liability exposures require robust    cybersecurity protocols and to use   Allscripts ransomware attack. CSO. April 17, 2018.
          contingency/incident response plans.   strong passwords; use a virtual private   Available at
              Procuring appropriate cyber liability    network (VPN) for secure remote    impact-of-the-allscripts-ransomware-attack.html.
          coverage should be a component of     connections; and implement proper    4. Sanger M. Protecting your firm from vendor risks.
          contingency planning to risk transfer    vendor management. A data loss    ALM Law Journal. August 2017.

               TCMS Welcomes New Friends of the Society

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              To learn more, call us at 888-907-9687 or

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