Page 24 - 2023-Mar-Apr-Journal
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Continued from page 21
                                                               prevention care. Detailed information and factors that
        Generally, suicide mortality rates are higher in age   contribute to suicide risk and warning signs for suicide can
        groups which include persons 45 years of age or older.   be found at:
        Whites had higher mortality rates compared with Blacks,  html.
        Asians, or Hispanics. During 2011-2020, the age-adjusted
        suicide mortality rate for Whites was 17.5 deaths per   It is important to remember to:
        100,000 population. For Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics,      •  Ask patients about suicide DIRECTLY
        suicide mortality rates were 4.3, 8.0, and                •  Be aware of how someone speaks, their mood,
        5.2, respectively.                                            and their behaviors
                                                                  •  Identify warning signs
        Detailed demographic data and the manner of death         •  Warning signs that identify someone at risk for
        for suicides within the City of Austin during 2018-2021       suicide include:
        was obtained from death certificates from the Office of        o Talking about being a burden
        Vital Records, Austin Public Health. During 2018-2021,        o Being isolated
        death certificates for 574 persons who died by suicide         o Increased anxiety
        were filed with the Office of Vital Records. A majority         o Talking about feeling trapped or in
        of persons (63%) were 20-49 years of age. Thirty                 unbearable pain
        persons were 19 years of age or younger. Thirteen             o Increased substance use
        persons were 80 years of age or older. Most persons           o Looking for a way to access lethal means
        (76%) were males and most (72%) were White. There             o Increased anger or rage
        is no seasonal occurrence of deaths by suicide.               o Extreme mood swings
                                                                      o Expressing hopelessness
        For deaths by suicide occurring within the City of            o Sleeping too little or too much
        Austin, a firearm was used for 45% of the suicides while        o Talking or posting about wanting to die
        hanging accounted for 30% of deaths. A firearm was            o Making plans for suicide
        the manner of death for 52% of males but only 20% of      •  Intervene and provide resources when needed.
        females. Drugs or alcohol was the manner of death for
        4% of males compared with 20% of females.              Resources
        Deaths by suicide are preventable!                     National Hotline number: 988
        Knowing and understanding risk factors and warning     Crisis Text Line: 741741
        signs for suicide is crucial in providing suicide      Crisis Hotline: 512-472-HELP

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