Page 22 - 2023-Mar-Apr-Journal
P. 22

In Memoriam

                  The Medical Society extends deepest sympathy to the family and friends of the following physicians.

                           Gerald “Jerry” Anthony Baugh, MD

                              Dr. Gerald “Jerry” Anthony         second wife Shirley, in their Volkswagen van, Red Rover,
                          Baugh, age 85, passed away peacefully   they went wherever their hearts took them and along the
                          at his farm in Bastrop County on       way they formed lasting friendships with fellow veterans
                          February 3 as his sons played Terry    who served alongside him in Vietnam. They spent a year
                          Allen’s song, “Amarillo Highway” for   living abroad—first in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
                          him on guitar and piano.               studying Spanish, and then in Guatemala, where they
                              Born in Council Bluffs, Iowa       helped establish a new hospital while practicing medicine
        Dr. Baugh grew up in Austin. He did his undergraduate    on the sides of old volcanoes.
        studies at Notre Dame where he competed in the Golden       Their farm in Bastrop County and their cabin near
        Gloves and one year claimed the university championship  Taos, New Mexico were frequent gathering places for
        in his weight class. He received his medical degree from   family and friends—times that he cherished. A devoted
        Johns Hopkins, his post graduate training in Louisiana    steward of his farmland, one of his greatest pleasures in
        interrupted by Air Force service as a surgeon in Vietnam.  retirement was undertaking a massive effort to restore
        After his service, Dr. Baugh completed training in       the wild prairies of Texas by planting native grasses and
        cardiovascular and thoracic surgery then returned to     qualifying his land as a wildlife preserve. Soft-spoken,
        Austin and joined Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeons   with a big, kind heart, a keen sense of humor and deep
        where he practiced for many years.                       curiosity about the world, he embodied the notion of
            Dr. Baugh and his first wife Karren raised five      living a humble life.
        amazing children together. Later, in retirement with his

                           Beverly Sutton, MD

                              Dr. Beverly Sutton, 90, passed    long career were a Distinguished Service Award from the
                          away February 7. A native of          Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians, recognition as a
                          Rockville, Michigan, she received her   Distinguished Fellow by the American Psychiatric
                          medical degree from the University    Association, and a term as president of the Texas Society
                          of Michigan. She then completed her   of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
                          post graduate training in pediatrics      Dr. Sutton is survived by her husband Eldon, two
                          and psychiatry in Michigan and the    daughters and two beloved granddaughters. Throughout
        Austin State Hospital (ASH) in the early ’60s. One of the   her life, she and Eldon enjoyed traveling to all corners of
        many leadership positions she held during her career was   the world. Their home was full of artwork from those
        program director of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry   trips and the grounds around their home were a sanctuary,
        Training Program at ASH and Shoal Creek Hospital, a     adorned with koi ponds and an intricate Japanese tea
        position she held for over 30 years.                    house. The pandemic and failing health curtailed travel
            Early in her career, child psychiatry patients in Texas   in her last few years, but neighbors noted that her good
        were housed in buildings shared with adult patients at   humor remained intact and frequently saw her smile and
        facilities like ASH. Dr. Sutton obtained federal funds to   wave as she returned from short outings. In a Valentine’s
        build a 60 bed children’s inpatient facility that opened in   email sent shortly before her passing she noted, “We are
        1971, the grant providing for facilities as well as a large   watching the news more now and hope that this new
        grant to teach childcare skills. This was the first state   page of political life will produce a kinder, more
        supported psychiatric inpatient facility for children in   giving environment.”
        Texas. Among the many honors she received during her

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