Page 19 - 2023-Mar-Apr-Journal
P. 19

by Christi Dammert
          President Elect
            Upcoming Events:
            March 22: Book Review
            March 24: TCMA/TCMS Officer Installation Dinner
            April 5: Mah Jongg
            April 15: Party with A Purpose “Iconic Austin”
            April 19: Mah Jongg
            April 20: General Meeting
                     Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center               Scan QR Code for
            May 18-20: ALLMED Conference                                 Event Details
                     Ft Worth

                            TCMA Foundation Sponsors: Dr. Richard and Inga Ruckman have generously donated
                            the VIP Experience at the Kentucky Derby for us to raffle off  at the Party with a Purpose.
                            Dr. Richard Ruckman is the founder of  The Center for Sight in Lufkin, Texas and remained
                            as senior ophthalmologist and CEO until his retirement and move to Austin in 2016. Prior to
                            his retirement he dedicated 10 years to volunteering with Benevolent Missions International
            doing eye surgeries. Inga also retired from her position at IBM as senior sales executive in 2016 at which point,
            she and Richard began mission work together in Belize and Fiji. Shortly after that, they added mission work
            in Guatemala which is a wonderful opportunity for Inga to work with her family from her native Guatemala
            City. During each mission trip the team typically performs over 100 surgeries, does over 600 eye exams, and
            dispenses over 800 pairs of  glasses over the course of  their 7-10 day stay.
                    Inga is actively involved with TCMA as VP of  Membership Elect, and Richard looks forward to becoming
            more involved in local volunteer work especially with education relating to third world eye care. The TCMA
            Foundation is extremely grateful for the generous support provided by Dr. Richard and Inga Ruckman.

                                 Austin  Area Ob-Gyn  &        Austin  Regional Clinic (ARC)  has  been  a
                                 Fertility  is  a  top-rated     proud supporter of  the TCMA for many years,
                                 obstetrics  and gynecology     contributing to the important services the Alliance
                                 practice  serving patients    provides through both the Foundation and the
                                 in  and  around  Austin.      volunteerism of  its members. For over 41 years,
                                 The multi-physician office     ARC has provided health care to hundreds of
            features  advanced care options  for  women at all    thousands of  Central Texans and believes in giving back to the
            stages of life.                                    communities in which its physicians and staff  live and work.
                   Founded in 1960, the practice has grown to    That work includes supporting organizations like TCMA that
            become one of the leading providers of obstetrics and   lend a caring hand to many vulnerable populations among us in
            gynecology in Central Texas. The practice is a one-  Central Texas. And through the Physician Wellness
            stop, all-inclusive service center for women’s health   Program, ARC physicians can access resources they need to
            including Ob  and Gyn care to on-site  preventative     help them take care of  themselves and find collegial support and
            diagnostics such as 3D mammography, bone density   education. The partnership is amplified by the many ARC
            and research. The team at Austin Area Ob-Gyn provides     physicians’ partners/spouses who belong to the TCMA and have
            passionate care  along with  the  latest  in medical     held or hold leadership in the organization. ARC shares TCMA’s
            advances. We are very truly honored to care for our    mission of  assisting the community at large and the medical
            community that inspires us every day.              community with health-related needs, giving back through
                                                               service, support, and advocacy.

          For more information please visit:
          TCMS                                            2023  March  •  April                                       19
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