Page 15 - 2023-Mar-Apr-Journal
P. 15

walked in. Oswalt introduced         connections needed to get things off
          himself, mentioning he traveled from  the ground. In 2000, HeartGift was
          Texas. “I have a friend there,” says   established. It’s mission: To provide
          Ross. Turns out Oswalt had operated  life-saving congenital heart defect surgery
          on that friend. Before long, it was   to children from around the world where
          agreed that Dr. Ross would travel to   specialized medical treatment is either scarce
          Texas to teach the Ross Procedure    or nonexistent.
          to Texas physicians. In 1989, Dr.        Medical mission groups were
          Oswalt performed the first Ross      alerted so children identified with
          Procedure in Texas. Since then, he   heart problems could be considered
          has traveled the country teaching    for HeartGift. Guidelines for
          the procedure and is internationally   consideration are that the child be at
          known for his expertise.             least one year old, and that one
              The years of being a leader in   surgery will fix the problem. To
          cardiothoracic surgery and working   contain costs, local families host the    To donate visit
          within our medical community to      patient during his/her surgery stay.
          bring procedures to Austin meant     The organization is run by a small
          Oswalt was frequently consulted      team of full-time administrators and   approximately $25,000 for each
          when help was needed. Fast           a board of directors. Because of the   surgery. The other chapters partner
          forward to 1999, when a               economical way the organization      with their local children’s hospitals.
          colleague on a mission trip                operates, overhead is only 15%,  To date, the organization has served
          in Kosovo discovers six                             which means 85% of  more than 700 children from
          children with congenital                               the funding raised  35 countries.
          heart defects. “He calls and                              for HeartGift is     So exactly where does the

          asks me if he can get these                                      used for  funding come from? Funding for
          kids to Austin—will CTVS                                 the patients and  HeartGift comes from numerous
          do the surgeries for free?”                               their treatment.  sources including grants, donations,
          says Oswalt. Donations were                            Twenty-three years  and various events throughout the

          received and the surgeries                           have passed since its  year. For example, these annual
          were done, the children sent                               beginning and  events—“HeartGift Heroes” golf
          home to live healthy lives. “It                         HeartGift is now  tournament, “Heartfelt Shot”
          got me thinking and really                                 able to host its  sporting clay shooting tournament,

          raised my awareness about                                   own medical  and HeartGift’s “Party with a
          the number of children                                 missions and even  Purpose” gala, all help fund the
          out there without a chance                                helped sponsor  organization. Another key donation
          of medical help. Did you                                  the building of  source is the annual children’s charity
          know that 1 in 100 children                              a pediatric heart  event “Mack, Jack & McConaughey”
          worldwide is born with                                   center in Kenya.  founded by Mack Brown, Jack
          congenital heart defects?                                    In addition,  Ingram, and Matthew McConaughey.
          Over 90% of those                                              HeartGift  Mack and Sally Brown selected
          children do not                                           chapters in San  HeartGift as one of the charities
          have access to the care                                    Antonio, New  to benefit from this high profile
          they need.” With these                                      Orleans, and  happening.

          statistics top of mind,                                         Houston        “This is going to be a great year;
          Oswalt approached his                                          now exist.  I think we may be able to serve 400
          hunting and fishing                                              Here in  children in 2023 alone!” says
          buddy, Ray Wilkerson                                    Austin, HeartGift  Dr. Oswalt grinning. And though
          about starting an                                           partners with  one can appreciate the serendipitous

          organization that could                                   Dell Children’s  occurrences in his life, it is plain to

          help. “I’m in,” said Ray                                  Medical Center,  see there is more to it than that.
          without hesitation.                                     reimbursing them   Dr. John “Chip” Oswalt is a brilliant
          Wilkerson is a local                                                       heart surgeon with a really, really
          developer with the                                                         big heart.
                                       Patient Ariun traveled from Mongolia for his heart surgery.
          TCMS                                            2023  March  •  April                                       15
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