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CONTENTS                                                                                            MESSAGE FROM THE DEPUTY DEAN

                                                                                                            PROFESSOR DR NG CHIRK JENN
                                                                                                            DEPUTY DEAN (RESEARCH)
                                                                                                                                                                    Pulse@UM is a  tri-annual  research
                                                                                                                                Warmest greetings to all!  Once again,   bulletin  in English published  by the
                                                                                                                                University of Malaya remains the top   Faculty  of Medicine at  the University
                                                                                                                                university in  Malaysia, rising  to the 70th   of Malaya. The views and opinions
                                                                                                                                                                    expressed  here  are  those  of  the
                                                                                                                                spot in the QS-World University Rankings for   author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
                                                                                                                                2020. We must thank our faculty members   those  of  UM, and the  editorial  board.
                                                                                                                                who weather the storm despite the limited   Materials from the Bulletin  may  be
                                                                                                                                research grant – it’s your hard work that has   reprinted with proper attribution.
                                                                                                                                taken us to the top!
                                                                                                                                                                    If you  would  like  to learn  more  about
                                                                                                                                It  is therefore  my  pleasure  to launch  the   anything  from this bulletin,  or would
                                                                                                                                second  issue  of PULSE@UM  2019,  which   like to contribute or subscribe to future
                                                                                                            features exciting partnerships with other public institutions, industries,   issues, please get  in touch with us  at
                                                                                                            communities, as well as international collaborators. In this issue, the cover
                                                                                                            story highlights the historical moment where the Faculty embarked on a
                                                                                                            public-private partnership with Genting Berhad to organise the inaugural   For the online version of this bulletin, visit:
                                                                                                            Eminent Speakers’ series  on ‘Navigating  towards  Healthy Ageing’ and
                                                                                                            launch the Dementia Care Centre.
                                                                                                            This issue also highlights a range of research activities conducted by the
                                                                                                            FOM  research teams,  from implementation, dissemination,  advocacy   We would like to acknowledge and thank
                                                                                                            to community engagement.  This demonstrates how  the Faculty has   the following contributors to this issue:
                                                                                                            extended its reach and impact on the community where the needs are.
                                                                                                            In collaboration  with the Ministry of Health, and  industries,  a Cancer   Melissa Kioh Sheng Hui, Kejal Hasmuk,
                                                                                                            Research  Forum  was held  in  February, highlighting  the  important   Nur Aishah Taib, Rozaida @ Poh Yuen
                                                                                                            issues pertaining to cancer care including access to affordable cancer   Ying, Phan Chia Wei, Teo Chin Hai, Nur
                                                                                                                                                                    Asyikin Yakub, Lim  Shen  Yang, Moy
                                                                                                            treatments  in Malaysia. In April, a public  conference  entitled  “Getting   Foong Ming, Haireen Binti Abdul Hadi,
                                                                                                            the Ethics of Genome Editing  Right: Engaging  Multiple  Perspectives”   Loh Siew Yim
                                                                                                            was held and  the Master of Health Research  Ethics Programme
                                                                                                            was launched.  This is  a testimony of  a strong  collaboration  with  our   EDITORIAL BOARD
           3    MESSAGE FROM THE                            MALAYA AND JOHNS HOPKINS BERMAN                 international colleagues in Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins   Advisors:
                                                                                                            University. The Faculty also sees many exciting community engagement
                                                            INSTITUTE OF BIOETHICS
                DEPUTY DEAN
                                                                                                            activities such as the 50 Keluarga Sihat Program, the Regional Centre of
                                                                                                                                                                    Ng Chirk Jenn
                                                            APACPH-KL   EARLY  CAREER   GLOBAL              Expertise (RCE) walking football programme, and the KeepAble Cancer   Adeeba Kamarulzaman
                COVER STORY                                 PUBLIC HEALTH CONFERENCE 2019                   Community Centre. On top of these, it is also worthy to feature the FOM   Low Wah Yun
           4    UM-GENTING COLLABORATION FOR A                                                              Parkinson’s research group, whose work has been recently published in
                BETTER DEMENTIA CARE IN FACING THE          LANDMARK     LANCET     NEUROLOGY               Lancet Neurology.                                       Editor-in-Chief:
                                                                                                                                                                    Tan Kae Yi
                SILVER TSUNAMI                              PUBLICATION  ON PARKINSON’S DISEASE             Another important research agenda of FOM is to continuously support
                                                            IN THE ASIA-PACIFIC REGION                      researchers in honing their research skills. Together with YSN-ASM, a   Editors:
           8    RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT                          COMMUNITY PROGRAMMES                            workshop  on  ‘Responsible  Conduct of  Research  (RCR)’ was held  to   Choo Wan Yuen
                                                                                                                                                                    Fadzilah Hanum Mohd Mydin
                                                                                                            inculcate,  promote  and  sustain  an environment  of research  integrity
                ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE CANCER          21     50  KELUARGA SIHAT:  A COMMUNITY                among  academicians  and  researchers.  Besides,  the  Faculty held  the   Tan Choo Hock
                                                                                                                                                                    Nurul Farhana Mohd Nasir
                TREATMENTS IN MALAYSIA                      PROJECT IN TAMAN MEDAN CAHAYA                   APACPH Early Career Global Public Health Conference, focusing on how   Carol Ann Cheah Wei Qi
                                                                                                            to translate research into the real world for improving population health
                                                                                                            through Implementation Science.
                RESPONSIBLE CONDUCT OF RESEARCH             RCE WALKING  FOOTBALL  PROGRAM:  A                                                                      COVER PHOTO
                (RCR) WORKSHOP: YSN-ASM AND FACULTY         UMCARES INITIATIVE                              Enjoy reading!
                OF MEDICINE, UNIVERSITI MALAYA                                                                                                                      Cover image: LightSpring at  Shutterstock
                                                            KEEPABALE CANCER COMMUNITY CENTRE                                                                       For editorial use only.
                                                                                                            Professor Dr Ng Chirk Jenn
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