Page 4 - PULSE@UM 2nd Issue 2019
P. 4

cover story

        COVER STORY                                                                                         “Navigating towards Healthy Ageing”  on the   enable the risk prediction and early detection
                                                                                                            28th of February 2019. This event was  also
                                                                                                                                                        of Alzheimer’s Disease,  Prostate  Cancer,
        UM-GENTING COLLABORATION FOR BETTER DEMENTIA CARE IN FACING THE                                     held in conjunction with  the  celebrations  of   Coronary Artery Disease, and Type 2 Diabetes.
        SILVER TSUNAMI: 28 FEBRUARY 2019                                                                    Genting Founder’s Day, to commemorate the   He shared about developing  practical
                                                                                                            legacy and accomplishments of the late Tan   strategies  for maintaining cognitive  function
                                                                                                            Sri Dato’ Seri (Dr) Lim Goh Tong. This premier   in later life.
                                                                                                            event saw about 400 members from our public
                                                                                                            and 100 plus UM fraternity members coming   Hailing from San Diego, USA, we had Dr. Anders
                                                                                                            together  to listen  and engage with  some of   Dale, a Professor of Neurosciences, Radiology,
                                                                                                            the world’s top and most distinguished  life   Psychiatry, and Data Science at the University
                                                                                                            science  and biotechnology  experts  to  share   of California. He has led the development of
                                                                                                            their  insights  and  perspectives  on some  of   a number of technologies  that  have had a
                                                                                                            the latest medical breakthroughs on cognitive   transformative  impact  on neuroscience  and
                                                                                                            health issues, including dementia.          genetics, and was  recently  listed in Science
                                                                                                                                                        Magazine, among the top ten “most influential
                                                                                                            Among  the  eminent  speakers,  we  had Dr   brain scientists of the modern  era.  As we
                                                                                                            Robert Hariri, Founder  & CEO of Celgene    know, one of the major challenges in medicine
                                                                                                            Cellular Therapeutics, who has pioneered    is early detection or prediction of disease and
                                                                                                            the use of human stem cells to treat a range   enabling  proactive intervention. In a very
                                                                                                            of life-threatening  diseases and has made   exhilarating manner, Dr Anders Dale presented
        Eminence Speakers Conference Series: Group photo on stage after the panel discussion. Looking on are Prof Claude Wischik (left),   transformative  contributions  in  the  field  of   on the integration of quantitative imaging and
        Prof Ng Kwan Hoong (second from left), Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay (third from left), Prof Tan Maw Pin (forth from left), Prof Dato Dr
              Adeeba binti Kamarulzaman (middle), Dr. Anders Dale (fourth from right), and Dr Robert J. Hariri (third from right).  tissue engineering  and longevity. He is also   genetics for proactive medicine. This method
                                                                                                            a member of the team which discovered the   shows great  promise  in the  risk  prediction

        DR MELISSA KIOH SHENG HUI                   to the University of Malaya’s Social Wellbeing          physiological role  of TNF  (tumour  necrosis   and early  detection of Alzheimer’s Disease,
        DR KEJAL HASMUK                             Research  Centre,  the  number of Malaysians            factor). He shed some insight into augmented   Prostate Cancer, Coronary Artery Disease, and
        DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE                      aged 60 years and above is projected to hit 3.5         immunity  and  augmented longevity.  That   Type 2 Diabetes.
                                                    million in 2020 and 6.3 million in 2040 — about         30 minute talk was indeed too short to learn
        FIRST EVER EMINENT SPEAKERS’ SERIES         20 per cent of the total population!                    about our longevity!                        Not forgetting one of our very own,  Prof
        We  are  now in  an  exciting  era  facing the                                                                                                  Ng Kwan  Hoong  from  University  of Malaya,
        silver tsunami, but are we ready? As we know,   Understanding the  importance  of “Healthy          We also had with us Professor Claude Wischik,   the  first  Malaysian  scientist  to  receive  the
        the  world’s  population  is  ageing:  virtually   Ageing”  and realizing it  is  not just  about   co-founder and Executive Chairman of TauRx   Marie  Sklodowska-Curie  Award in 2018
        every  country  in the  world is  experiencing   adding  numbers  to  the  years,  the  University   Pharmaceuticals.  A pioneer in Tau research,   who presented  about the age of precision
        growth in the number and proportion of older   of Malaya  has  embraced  research and               Prof. Wischik subsequently discovered the   scanning-decoding the ageing process. As one
        persons in their population. According to data   innovations for older adults in an enormous        Tau protein compositional  structure of the   of the top 50 medical physicists in the world
        from the World Population Prospects: the 2017   way.  Indeed, Active  Ageing was  made one          Alzheimer tangles and established that      recognized by  the  International  Organization
        Revision, the number of older persons, those   of the two niche areas under the Health and          it  was possible  to dissolve tangles with   for Medical Physics (IOMP), Prof Ng had very
        aged 60 years or over, is expected to double by  Wellbeing research  cluster  last  year.  In  line   pharmaceutically  viable  compounds  that  act   precisely  discussed the  role  of the  various
        2050 and  triple  by  2100,  rising from 962   with  this,  this  year,  the  Faculty  of Medicine,   as  Tau  Aggregation  Inhibitors.  He  presented   imaging tools. The series  of talks  that  were
        million globally in 2017 to 2.1  billion in   University  of Malaya  in collaboration with          a  novel  integrated  framework  for combining   presented  along with  the  every  interactive
        2050 and 3.1 billion in 2100. Malaysia too is   Genting Berhad organized an inaugural or first      genetic information with quantitative imaging,  panel discussion, moderated by our very own
        preparing  to  be  an  ageing nation.  According   of its kind - Eminent Speakers’ Series entitled   molecular  tests,  and other  health  data,  to   Professor Tan Maw Pin – senior consultant

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