Page 9 - PULSE@UM 2nd Issue 2019
P. 9

research spotlight
 RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT  foster  interdisciplinary  collaboration among   care”, said Professor Ng.

        the  researchers  in  the  Faculty  of Medicine
 CANCER  RESEARCH  FORUM:  IMPROVING ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE   and the different faculties  in the University   Although it was only a one-day forum, it was filled
 CANCER TREATMENTS IN MALAYSIA  of Malaya  as  well  as  stakeholders  outside   with  insightful lectures,  including  a  keynote
        the  University  in fundamental,  clinical  and   address by Dr. Lo Ying Ru Jacqueline (Head of
        public health  research  in  cancer.  Over  the   Mission and WHO representative to Malaysia,
        years,  UMCRI  has become a  full member  of   Brunei Darussalam and Singapore) who shared
        the Union  of International Cancer Control   about the development and implementation of
        (UICC) in July 2018 with funding support from   the World Health Organization (WHO) essential
        the  Professor  Atiya  Cancer  Research  Fund.   medicine list for cancer. The economic impact
        UMCRI  continues to  move  towards bidding   of cancer on patients and their families was
        for the project “Greater Petaling City (Petaling   also discussed by  Dr.  Nirmala  Bhoo  Pathy,
        Jaya and Subang Jaya) Cancer  Challenge     who  revealed  that  although  financial  toxicity
        2025”, together  with  the  National Cancer   from medical costs happens mainly in private
        Society Malaysia. This project aims to improve   hospitals, public  hospital patients  suffer
        equitable sustainable access  of patients  to   from non-medical costs.  Dr. Ros Suzanna
        cancer care solutions in these cities to propel   Ahmad Bustaman (Head  of Radiotherapy
        them  towards World Health  Organization    and Oncology,  Hospital Kuala  Lumpur)
        sustainable development goals.  “University   highlighted  the  disparity  in  trained  human
        Malaya Medical Centre has been instrumental   resource in managing the large burden in the
        in moving forward in cancer management and   public sector.  From  regulatory  perspectives,
 The distinguished speakers of the forum.
 From left: Mr Billy S. Urudra (President, Malaysia Organisation of Pharmaceutical industries MOPI), Mr Allen Patino (Vice President,   treatment  given the  comprehensive  state  of   Madam Noraishah Mohd Sani (Head, Biologics
 Pharmaceutical Association of Malaysia PhaMA), Dr Ramli bin Zainal (Senior Director of Pharmaceutical Services Programme,   the art  treatments, comparable to the world,   Section,  Centre  for Product  Registration,
 MOH), YB Dr Lee Boon Chye and Dr Ros Suzanna Ahmad Butamam (Head, Oncology and Radiotherapy Services MOH)
        cutting  across  from  preventive  to  palliative   National Pharmaceutical  Regulatory Agency,

 PROFESSOR DR NUR AISHAH TAIB  organizations (NGOs)  and a government
 DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY  agency  i.e.  the  National  Pharmaceutical
 Regulatory Agency (NPRA), Ministry of Health
 n conjunction with the Union for International  participated.  The forum  aimed to share
 ICancer  Control’s  (UICC)  World  Cancer  Day,  knowledge on  research output  by University
 the  University  Malaya  Cancer  Research  Malaya scholars as well as to create dialogues
 Institute (UMCRI), together with the Faculty of  to solve issues pertaining to financial toxicity
 Medicine, Academy of Medicine and Together  and access  to affordable cancer  treatments
 Against  Cancer  Association  Malaysia,  to fellow researchers, non-governmental
 organised a forum entitled “Improving Access  organisations and public service officers.
 to Affordable Cancer Treatments in Malaysia”.
 The forum was  held on 25th February 2019,  In his  welcome  address, Professor  Dr.  Ng
 at  the  TJ  Danaraj  Auditorium, Faculty  of  Chirk  Jenn, the  Deputy  Dean of Research  of
 Medicine, University  of Malaya,  with  178  the  Faculty  of Medicine, recalled  the  journey
 participants.  Apart  from  academia,  industry  of introducing  UMCRI  back  in  2009.  He
 and professional bodies, 15 non-governmental  mentioned that  the  purpose of UMCRI  is  to   Prof. Dr. Rosmawati Bt Mohamed chairing the panel discussion

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