Page 14 - PULSE@UM 2nd Issue 2019
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research spotlight research spotlight
United Kingdom, Qatar, Taiwan and Malaysia The final segment on religion and theology,
were invited to speak at the conference, which had a panel of four distinguished
including representatives from the Berman speakers, discussed specifically the
Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins different religions and their perspective on
University and University of Malaya. Prof. Dr gene editing. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ghaly
Maude Phipps from the Monash University of from Qatar’s Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Malaysia initiated the segment, delivering an addressed the Islamic perspective, Prof. Dr.
interesting view on the realities and myths of Daniel Tsai from National Taiwan University
human gene editing that gave a fundamental shared his thoughts on the Confucianism and
overview of the CRISPR technique. The talk, Buddhism aspects, Dr. M. Bala Tharmalingam
entitled ‘Public Deliberations, Controversies from the National Council of Bioethics
and The Advent of Rogue Science’ presented presented the perspective from Hinduism and
by Prof. Dr. Jeremy Sugarman, offered a piece Associate Prof. Dr. Alex Tang Tuck Hon from
Johns Hopkins University, represented by with a multidisciplinary group of faculty of the 360° perspective on the topic of gene Monash University spoke on the Christian
its Director, Professor Dr. Jeffrey Kahn and members from UM in the field of medicine, editing. This was followed by Dr. Sharon Kaur perspective. The enlightening dialogue was
its Deputy Director, Professor Dr. Jeremy law and education has led to its successful and Dr. Firdaus Abdul Aziz fulfilling the legal followed by a general forum involving all the
Sugarman, is truly dedicated to identifying and development. This will increase the capacity perspective with some interesting facts on distinguished speakers that concluded the
addressing the key ethical issues in science, for high quality research ethics education, international and national laws and regulation public conference with interesting questions
clinical care, and public health. Witnessed being one of its kind in Malaysia and one of in relation to gene editing. Prof. Dr Jeffrey from the audience made up of academicians,
by the Director General of Higher Education, the very few in the Southeast Asian region. The Kahn from the Berman Institute of Bioethics, researchers, IRB managers and members,
Y. Bhg. Datin Paduka Ir. Dr Siti Hamisah Binti Vice Chancellor believes, that the Master of Johns Hopkins University presented a thought- clinical trial coordinators, research officers
Tapsir, the MoU marked the consolidation of Health Research Ethics (MOHRE) programme will provoking piece calling for morality in human and assistants, and students. The conference
a true partnership between the University of facilitate its students to have a great understanding gene editing, highlighting the challenges and was informative and covered comprehensive
Malaya (represented by the Vice Chancellor, of the wide range of ethical challenges in the need for governance. The Head of Medical topics pertaining to gene-editing, but the
Datuk Ir. Dr. Abdul Rahim Hashim; the Dean biomedical and social science research and guide Humanities, Wellcome Trust UK, Dr. Dan controversies that surround the technology
of the Faculty of Medicine, Dato’ Dr. Adeeba them through theory and practice. O’Connor, spoke on a rather fascinating aspect, plead careful assessment, which struck a chord
Kamarulzaman; the Deputy Dean Research the history of gene editing and the lessons it with all the attendees.
of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Dr. The public conference provided a holistic teaches, almost completing the 360° perspective.
Ng Chirk Jenn) and the Johns Hopkins view of gene editing, by looking at the
University. Their long-standing collaboration issue from multiple perspectives such as
in strengthening research ethics by engaging bioethics, policy, law, philosophy, religion, and
diverse stakeholders nationally and regionally history. With the ambitious targets set by the
is a cause for celebration. Ministry of Higher Education for universities
to be highly competitive in research while
Through this effort, a robust Master of Health promoting responsible conduct in research,
Research Ethics (MOHRE) programme was ethics and integrity, the public conference
established and is now expecting its first intake and the Master of Health Research Ethics
in September 2019. The active involvement (MOHRE) programme are steps in the right
of bioethicists from the Berman Institute of direction in achieving these targets. A variety
Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University together of speakers from all over the world such as
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