Page 13 - PULSE@UM 2nd Issue 2019
P. 13

research spotlight                                                            research spotlight

 to foster research integrity.  lovingly applying strokes of water-colours on   ‘GETTING THE ETHICS OF GENOME EDITING RIGHT: ENGAGING MULTIPLE
 our first ‘draft’ of a painting, but then we had   PERSPECTIVES’ - FACULTY OF MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA AND
 A distinct feature of this workshop is the   to pass around our ‘masterpiece’ to another   JOHNS HOPKINS BERMAN INSTITUTE OF BIOETHICS
 active learning pedagogy  that  engaged  even   colleague who was then instructed to add on
 the  sceptics  amongst us, with  case  studies,   to the painting. Surprisingly, some of us turned
 team-based learning, peer-instruction and role-  into ‘Monets’ out of the ‘collaboration’ – hidden
 play being  employed to the hilt.  With senior   talents  coming to the fore! However, it  was
 professors mingling with junior lecturers, one   not just watercolours and fun – the painting
 of the role-plays tackled  topics pertaining to   activity  brought  home  the  consequences  of
 mentor-mentee relationship and authorship in a   collaborative research, reiterating the importance
 hilarious manner, while making us contemplate   of choosing the right collaborators as they can
 the serious undertones that although the role-  either safeguard or jeopardise our research.
 play  may  be  fictional,  the  situation  can  be
 real and causes dire consequences when left   The  final  curtain  was  on  the  reflection  of
 unchecked.  This  is  the  case  with  research   strategies to foster research integrity, and to
 misconduct arising from poor supervision and   put in place the best practices, principles and
 questionable practices.  This  is  particularly   guidelines on conducting research responsibly.
 important as the incidence of reported cases   Chair of YSN, Dr.  Chai Lay Ching  prompted
 of research misconduct has been increasing   us by saying that  “change in mindsets and
 in academic settings nowadays.  Apart   questionable practices  will  not  happen if  we
 from that,  case  studies  also  teased  out our   simply  wait  for  it;  rather  we  should be  the   DR TEO CHIN HAI  to counter human disease is one of the most
 perception of certain grey areas in publication   agents of change”. It was indeed a workshop   DEPT OF PRIMARY CARE MEDICINE  compelling potential  applications capturing
 and  conflicts  of  interest.  Many  times,  the   where one entered on Day 1 and left by Day   research funding and scientists’ attention.
 actions of researchers are led by their intentions   3  with  a  kindled sense  of purpose. It  is   cience  and technology permeate  every  On 16 April 2019, over 150 people attended the
 as appropriate references and guidance are not   imperative that such workshops be extended   Saspect  of today’s world from the life-  public conference entitled “Getting the Ethics
 available.   to UM’s campus community and that  on a   saving drugs and devices  to  the  research  in  of Genome Editing Right: Engaging  Multiple
 regular basis to cultivate research integrity as   new  technologies  and the  cure  for cancer.  Perspectives” hosted by the the Faculty  of
 We even dabbled in painting, with each of us   the very foundation of good science.  The innovations that emerge from these fields  Medicine, University  of Malaya, together
        continue to change the way we live today but  with  the  Berman  Institute  of Bioethics,
        are also accompanied by the emerging ethical  Johns Hopkins  University  at  the  TJ  Danaraj
        issues particularly on the topic of gene editing.  Auditorium, Faculty of Medicine, University of
        Gene editing, the technology that enable DNA  Malaya.  The  signing  of the  Memorandum of
        sequence alteration by adding,  removing or  Understanding (MoU) between  the  Faculty  of
        replacing sections of DNA, in theory, has almost  Medicine, University of Malaya and the Berman
        a  limitless  range of possible  applications in  Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University
        improving the functions of living things. The  marked  a  historic  international  collaboration
        CRISPR  technique, which  is  at  the  forefront  in healthcare,  bioethics  and research  that
        of gene editing technology, is theorised to be  launched the public conference.
        much  faster,  cheaper,  accurate  and  efficient
        compared to any other existing genome editing  As  the  world’s  most  renowned centre  in
        methods. The use of gene editing technology  bioethics,  the  Berman  Institute  of Bioethics,

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