Page 11 - PULSE@UM 2nd Issue 2019
P. 11

research spotlight                                                            research spotlight


 Press Conference.                                  Sciences, Faculty of Science (Chair of YSN), as
 From left: Mr Wong Kuan Sing (Together Against Cancer), Prof. Dr. Rosmawati Bt Mohamed (Master, Academy of Medicine), YB Dr   DR ROZAIDA @ POH YUEN YING
 Lee Boon Chye, Dr Ramli bin Zainal (MOH), Prof. Dr. Nur Aishah Mohd Taib (Director, UMCRI)  DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES  well as Dr. Tee Kok Keng from the Department
        DR PHAN CHIA WEI                            of Medical Microbiology and Dr. Phan Chia Wei
 NPRA)  reported  that  NPRA  has  now  refined  cancer  medicines and expedited registration   FACULTY OF PHARMACY  (Co-chair  of YSN  Science  Outreach  working
 its  role  in  improving assessment  of cancer  for  off-patents  and  new  innovations.  The   group)  from  the  Department  of Pharmacy,
 treatments,  with  the  implementation  of  deputy minister  gave  an  assurance  that  the   n incredible three-day workshop  on  Faculty  of Medicine. Eight  other trainers
 Priority  Review  or  Conditional  Registration.  Ministry of Education hospitals will be included   A‘Responsible  Conduct  of  Research  jumpstarted  conversations  that  trickled  only
 Some insights on the high medicine prices in  in the pooled procurement by MOH. YB Dr Lim   (RCR)’,  was  held  in  the  Faculty  of Medicine  at first but gushed forth thick and fast as the
 developing or low-income countries as  well  Boon  Chye  appealed  to  international  bodies   (FOM) last April (4th, 5th and 9th April 2019).  workshop progressed. Participants comprised
 as the national implementation of flexibilities  to find solutions to skyrocketing cancer drug   The workshop  culminated from discussions  researchers, academicians  and clinicians of
 in  the  Agreement  on Trade-Related  Aspects  pricing and gave an assurance that MOH will   between  Young Scientist  Network-Academy  varying levels of seniority and fields in FOM.
 of Intellectual  Property  Rights  (TRIPS)  were  be working regionally toward solutions to drug   of Sciences  Malaysia  (YSN-ASM)  and FOM,
 also shared by Miss Chee Yoke Ling (Program  pricing and, of course, policing the  mark-ups   UM. It was officiated by our beloved Dean of  The  workshop aspired  to  create  awareness
 Director  of the  Third World Network).  In  on prices  of cancer  treatment in the  private   Research, Professor Dr. Ng Chirk Jenn.   and promote the concept of RCR, which is to
 addition  to these  efforts  made by different  sector.   inculcate, promote and sustain an environment
 institutions, various other issues  were  also   It  was  our pleasure  to  have  a  number of  of research integrity among academicians cum
 discussed on policies  to  reduce  the  cost  of  On  a  high note, the  WHO representative   qualified  trainers  and  facilitators  in  the  researchers for the first time in FOM, UM. The
 cancer drugs as well as the challenges faced  congratulated the organisers and noted that the   workshop, including Professor Dr. Abhimanyu  conversations  flying  back  and  forth  during
 for more affordable cancer treatment.   forum provides  evidence  of the  collaboration   Veerakumarasivam from Sunway University  the  workshop revolved  around  key  principles
 between  academic  institutions, University   and Dr.  Chau De  Ming from  University  Putra  of ethics,  research  misconduct, authorship,
 The forum ended with a lively panel discussion  Malaya and Ministry of Health agencies, in   Malaysia (UPM), also Chair of the YSN Science  peer  review  and publication, mentor-mentee
 chaired by Prof Dr. Rosmawati Mohamed. The  line with the direction of the new Malaysia and   Integrity  working group. Familiar  faces  of  relationship,   conflict   of   interest,   data
 key  take-home  messages  from  the  forum  harnessing the full potential of expertise which   UM’s homegrown charismatic leaders are Dr.  management,  financial  responsibility,  culture
 covered the  worldwide issue  of affordable  we have here in Malaysia.   Chai Lay  Ching from Institute  of Biological  of safety, collaborative research and strategies

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