Page 6 - PULSE@UM 2nd Issue 2019
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our people. our story
is aimed at providing day care to people living industry and the private sector as both these
with dementia, so that their family members approaches are vital towards ensuring UM’s
can continue to work, earn an income and be reputation both locally and internationally
productive, while the patients can be involved continues to gain prominence. As for ageing,
in some cognitive-stimulating activities as well it’s vital to celebrate life!
as rehabilitation to maintain their independence.
“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your
In a nutshell, the event demonstrated our talents, the creativity you bring to your life and
commitment towards making Active, Healthy the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap
Ageing a clear agenda for the university as this source, you will truly have defeated age.”
well as a new desire to work closely with -- Sophia Loren
Closed-door meeting: Dr Mahathir talking to Tan Sri Lim (second from left) in the presence of Puan Sri Cecilia Lim (left),
Tengku Datuk Dr. Mohd Azzman (second from the right) and Datuk Ir. (Dr.) Abdul Rahim Hashim (right)
geriatrician in UMMC was well received by new ways for early detection of Alzheimer’s
the audiences. disease through their various investments in
life sciences companies. “We hope that our
Talk about healthy ageing and the very person investments will benefit Malaysia, through
to come in mind is our Prime Minister – who knowledge transfer via collaborations
is the epitome of ageing gracefully himself! between the world-class companies and
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who is also the researchers with our local universities and
oldest Prime Minister in the world to date, local researchers, by bringing cutting edge
had very graciously arrived at the end of the technology to Malaysia to combat ageing and
symposium for a closed-door session with the diseases and through creating employment in
various stakeholders discussing on how to Malaysia,” Tan Sri Lim had added in his speech
move the healthy-ageing agenda forward. The at the handover. Over 1,500 employees, guests,
entire event concluded at about 1.30 p.m. corporate partners and business associates
attended the event to commemorate the
A NEW DEMENTIA CARE CENTRE legacy of the Genting Group founder, the late
In the evening, we then witnessed the handing Tan Sri Dr Lim Goh Tong. It was a night of
over of the Dementia Care Centre, funded fun, fellowship, good food and mesmerizing
by Genting Berhad to the new management musical performances. The ceremony was
team, led by the Geriatric Division, University witnessed by UM’s Medicine Faculty Dean,
of Malaya (UM). Genting chairman, Tan Sri Lim Prof Dr Adeeba Kamarulzaman and Dementia
Kok Thay, said the centre was built following the Care Centre patron Puan Sri Cecilia Lim. The
signing of a Memorandum of Understanding Dementia Care Centre, located in Segambut is
(MoU) between Genting Bhd and UM during designed to accommodate up to 50 patients
the inaugural Genting Founder’s Day held on at any one time, including facilities such as
February last year. Genting Bhd has over a resting room, prayer room, physiotherapy
the past decade been involved in research and cognitive stimulation room, consultation The newly built Dementia Care Centre that was handed over to the Geriatric Unit, University Malaya. A spacious and well-designed
space for interaction and also cognitive-stimulating activities (lower left panel). A built-in gym in the dementia centre to improve
and development of new treatments and rooms, meeting rooms and offices. The centre balance, strength, coordination, motor control, flexibility and endurance (lower right panel).
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