Page 16 - PULSE@UM 2nd Issue 2019
P. 16

research spotlight                                                                                                                                                         research spotlight

                                                                                                            Bulgiba Awang Mahmud,  in his opening        for early  career  public health  professionals
        APACPH-KL EARLY CAREER GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH CONFERENCE                                              remarks, reflected on his own experiences as   and students to exchange ideas and network
        2019 KUALA LUMPUR                                                                                   an early career public health researcher more   with regional  public  health thought  leaders
                                                                                                            than 25 years ago. He stressed on the need for   and researchers.  The organisers  succeeded
                                                                                                            young public health researchers to strengthen   in bringing people from industry,  academia,
                                                                                                            their  networks  and to  have  good  mentors   NGOs  and international  organisations to
                                                                                                            to guide  them  in their  careers.  He called  on   make  presentations  and have  interactive
                                                                                                            these  early  career  researchers  to seek  out   discussions.  Participants  made  oral
                                                                                                            solutions to  public  health  problems  and  use   presentations  on Health Systems  and
                                                                                                            implementation science to help them achieve   Policy, Epidemiology, Occupational  and
                                                                                                            their aims of making populations healthier.   Environmental Health as well as Behavioural
                                                                                                                                                         and Reproductive Health. They will also have
                                                                                                            In her welcoming speech, Professor Dr.       the opportunity to submit articles which will
                                                                                                            Maznah Dahlui, the Chair of APACPH-KL Early   be published in a special issue of a SCOPUS-
                                                                                                            Career Global Public Health Conference 2019,   indexed journal.
                                                                                                            shared that every one of us should aspire to
                                                                                                            live in healthy conditions and to have access   This  conference  hopes to  build up the
                                                                                                            to  quality  healthcare.  “Spending on health   confidence  of  early  career  public  health
                                                                                                            should not be seen as a cost, but rather as a   professionals  and postgraduate  students  in
                                                                                                            long-term investment. Health is a prerequisite   presenting  and publishing  articles  in  well-
                                                                                                            for economic development.  A population  in   regarded peer-reviewed journals. It was also
                                                                                                            good  health represents  a strong  workforce   the perfect  opportunity for them to network
                                                                                                            that  can  drive  a  country’s  productivity  and   and interact  with one another.  APACPH-KL
                                                                                                            growth”, she added.                          and the University  of Malaya  looks forward
                                                                                                                                                         to more of such activities being conducted in
        NUR ASYIKIN YAKUB                           Organized  by  the  Asia-Pacific  Academic              The conference offered an excellent platform   the near future.
        DEPT OF SOCIAL & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE        Consortium  for Public  Health, Kuala  Lumpur

                                                    (APACPH-KL),  in collaboration with the
            he  University  of Malaya,  Kuala  Lumpur,  Centre for Population Health (CePH), and the
        TMalaysia  hosted  the  APACPH-KL  Early  Department of Social and Preventive Medicine
        Career  Global  Public Health  Conference:  (SPM),  Faculty  of Medicine, University  of
        Implementation  of Science  for Improving  Malaya;  the  conference  aimed  to  leverage
        Population Health  on the  11th  and 12th  of  on the  global public health education and
        April. The two-day conference was officiated by  research of Asia-Pacific universities to address
        APACPH-KL President Yang Berbahagia Datuk  global public health issues through interaction
        Professor Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud. The  with public policy and media. It also hoped to
        conference gathered experts and researchers  develop and enhance  the  network  amongst
        in public health for exchange and expansion of  international fellow students and early career
        knowledge and to share experiences so early  public health researchers.
        career  researchers can tackle  public  health
        issues, which are sometimes borderless.     Yang Berbahagia  Datuk  Professor  Awang

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