Page 21 - PULSE@UM 2nd Issue 2019
P. 21

research spotlight

 small  vessel  disease  and osteoporosis   •   Complementary  and  alternative  COMMUNITY PROGRAMMES
 may be even more highly  prevalent in   treatments are even more widely used in
 WPR populations, with major implications   the WPR than in the West, reflecting many   50  KELUARGA  SIHAT  PROGRAM:  A COMMUNITY  PROJECT  IN TAMAN
 on disease  causation and/or disease   factors  including cultural  history  and   MEDAN CAHAYA
 course.  These  areas  are  only  beginning   easy  access.  Some  popular approaches
 to  be  appreciated  by  the  PD  clinical  and   such as  tai  chi, acupuncture, and herbal
 research communities and deserve  to  be   preparations  were  discussed, as  well
 highlighted.   as  the need for these  treatments  to be
 tested  in the same  rigorous manner as
 •   There are major gaps in multiple areas in   for conventional therapies  to provide an
 the  WPR,  including  poor awareness  and   evidence-based rationale for their use.
 knowledge of PD  (such  as  confusing  PD
 for ageing, poor recognition of non-motor   •   The  authors  provided  numerous  specific
 symptoms, and beliefs  that  alternative   suggestions  on  how  the  field  can  move
 treatments  can “cure” PD), which could   forward in terms of further research; short
 result in people living with PD not seeking   and medium-term  priorities  for care  and
 medical  care,  or  leading them  to  obtain   opportunities for improvements in training
 unproven, costly  and potentially  harmful   and advocacy  in the  region were  also
 treatments.   covered.

 •   Healthcare resources are insufficient with   Importantly, this work  showcases  the
 a shortage of neurologists, PD specialists,   collaborative  potential  between  research
 and neurosurgeons with expertise in deep   groups in this region and elsewhere. Another
 brain stimulation (DBS).  There  is poor   high-impact paper led by collaborators at
 or  no access  to  potentially  life-changing   the  University  of Tokyo  (Figure  3) involving   ASSOC PROF MOY FOONG MING  non-communicable  diseases,  to  reduce  the
 treatments  such  as  dopaminergic  Malaysian  cases  provided by  Prof.  Lim  and   DEPT OF SOCIAL & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE  burden on the  government’s  health  facilities,
 infusions and DBS in many WPR countries.   Assoc.  Prof. Tan is  currently  in press  with   which subsequently free  up resources  spent
 Even levodopa - introduced into clinical use   Nature  Genetics  (Ishiura,  2019), and a  meta-  he “50 Keluarga Sihat  Program” is a  on preventable diseases to be more effectively
 more than 50 years ago - is not universally   genome wide association study (meta-GWAS)   Tcommunity program under  the  P105  used for other needs.
 available in some countries.   of Asian PD  led by close collaborators in   Health thrust.  The Health thrust is one
 Singapore is currently  in submission  with   of the six  key  thrusts  (Health,  Democracy,  Recently, our beloved Dean, Professor Dato’ Dr
 •   There is a paucity of PD-related  clinical   Lancet Neurology. The Nature Genetics paper   Empowering Youths, Empowering Women,  Adeeba Kamarulzaman was invited to lead the
 trials in the WPR, highlighting a major gap   describes a new mechanism by which certain   Housing and Transportation, and Environment)  Health thrust to build a sustainable community
 in PD research currently, given that there   genetic  mutations  (trinucleotide  repeat  under the P105 “Dignity for all” by Yang  program with the expertise from the University
 are likely to be inter-ethnic differences in   expansions)  can  cause  disease.  The  full   Berhormat Maria Chin Abdullah, a member of  of Malaya (UM). One of the main activities
 drug  metabolism, therapeutic  responses   details are currently under embargo, pending   parliament  of Petaling Jaya city.  The vision  carried out under the Health thrust is the “50
 and  adverse  effects.  An example of this,   online publication.  of the  P105  Health  thrust  is  “Empowering  Keluarga Sihat  Program” conducted in the
 with  respect  to  entacapone  (a  very  widely   residents  to take  ownership of their  life”  Program Perumahan  Rakyat  Taman  Medan
 used PD medication), was highlighted.   translating into cleanliness, good  eating and  Cahaya. The program was designed based on
         fitness habits for self, family and community.  the household survey and needs assessment
         The ultimate  aim  is to prevent  and manage  that  carried  out by  UM medical  students

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