Page 23 - PULSE@UM 2nd Issue 2019
P. 23

community programmes                                                     community programmes

 during their community posting in July 2018.   manage stress), prevention and management   RCE WALKING FOOTBALL: A UMCARES INITIATIVE
 The program took part  by volunteers from   of obesity, mental  health, diabetes  mellitus
 the community  (including  some medical   and hypertension. Meanwhile, their  progress
 graduates waiting for posting),  medical   will  be  well-monitored  by  their  life  coaches
 professionals and academicians.    to help them achieve their ultimate  goals.
 Participants were also sent with educational
 This  program  has  been  officiated  on  12   materials  and health diaries  in addition
 January 2019, in Taman Medan Cahaya. The   to activities  conducted  regularly (cooking
 program is  running  for a  9  month period,   demonstration, exercise  /  Zumba classes,
 however, it has started since last October to   supermarket sweep, health talks etc).
 December  2018  with  3-month low-intensity
 activities such as Zumba classes, boot camps,   At the meantime, health screening, treatment
 health  talks,  supermarket  sweep;  followed   and monitoring of the  50 families  are
 by a 6-month personalized health coaching   performed by the Klinik Keluarga Taman
 program from January to June 2019.  Medan,  with constant feedback  between
 healthcare professionals and the life coaches.
 In this program, fifty households were identified   Until today, the outcome of the program seems
 and invited  to  participate,  with  peer  support   promising and it  is  hoped  that  the  program
 and peer  mentoring elements  implemented.   may  be  modified  and  replicated  in  other
 Each family was assigned a trained life coach,   residences  and localities  to  suit  respective
 with individualized healthy living goals set   localized conditions and needs.  With this,
 for each participant.  During this period, they   communities enroll in the  program could be
 received intensive coaching on various aspects   empowered and proactive  to take  ownership   DR HAIREEN BINTI ABDUL HADI  level and excessive weight gain. Studies also
 of maintaining healthy lifestyles (healthy diet,   of their own health.  DEPT OF PRIMARY CARE MEDICINE  showed that  overweight and obese children
 increased  physical  activity,  quit smoking,      have a high tendency to grow into obese adults.
            he global incidence and prevalence  of
         Tchildhood  obesity  is  on the  rise  due to  In  view  of  these  alarming  statistics,  the  first
         the  poor  quality  of food intake  and habits,  experiential-based  learning initiatives under
         increasing watching time  and sedentary  UMCares - “Walking Football Club (WFC)”, was
         lifestyle.  In  2015, Malaysia  National Health  introduced in 2017 to eight primary schools in
         and Morbidity  Survey  (NHMS) showed that  Petaling Jaya district as a community project
         38% of  Malaysia  school children  are  either  to combat obesity in school. With this, children
         overweight or obese.                       are actively engaging  in physical activities,
                                                    which are in line with the policies and campaign
         From the survey, it  was  noted that  these  of “Satu murid, Satu sukan” and “10K steps a
         children  usually  have  limited  opportunities  day” by the Ministry of Education and Ministry
         to participate in sports activities due to their  of Health, respectively.
         limitations in movement and fitness levels. In
         this regards, it is a known fact that children who  This project  inculcated  encouraging  results
         are less active with fewer physical or sports  whereby those who participated  in walking
         activities  had  been  related  to  poor  fitness  football had an improved fitness level, showing

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