Page 25 - PULSE@UM 2nd Issue 2019
P. 25

community programmes                                                     community programmes

 a  significant  increase  in  muscle  mass  and  was  held in University  Malaya  in November   KEEPABLE CANCER COMMUNITY CENTRE
 reduction in body fat percentage, where these  2018.  Among  the  contestants,  SK  Minden
 results  were  published in an ISI  Journal in  Height  was  the  champion  in  the  National  WFC
 Sports Medicine. This year, WFC has spread its  Championship, SK Seksyen 7 Kota Damansara
 wings further to involve 16 schools in Petaling  was in second place and SKDU won the 3rd place.
 Jaya and 4 schools  in Penang  under the
 Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) programme.  Throughout  the year, walking football  club
 In brief, walking football is similar to a normal  has gained many positive  feedbacks,  from
 football game except that it is low impact as  participants,  teachers  and parents  that  had
 participants  must  walk  instead  of running,  created keen interest for further collaboration
 which  at  the  same  time  body  contact  is  not  in  the  future.  It  is  hoped that  more  schools
 allowed  and balls  should  not  go above  the  from all over Malaysia will take up this sports
 participant’s  shoulder level.  In  this  program,  event, as it is cheap and easily implemented
 healthy school boys aged 9 - 11-year-old from  using  the current facilities  that  are readily
 16 schools around Petaling Jaya were invited  available in most schools.
 to participate in walking football. The training
 sessions  were  held  at  their  school  field  or  In December 2018, “Walking football: Fat to fit
 futsal court, under the supervision of a school-  for better personal health” has received RCE
 teacher’s during their  schooling  session.  Award 2018 at the 11th Global RCE Conference
 Comprising  multiple  short  six-a-side  semi-  held in Cebu,  Philippines. The award is with
 structured game  of 25  minutes  per  session,  the designation of Acknowledged  Flagship
 totalling  up to  150 minutes  each  week,  this  Project  for  its  role  in  contributing towards   Community  Centre.  Its  purple hue,  blend  in
 program lasted for 12 weeks and ended with  Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health   ASSOC PROF LOH SIEW YIM  perfectly  to  represent  the  purple ribbon,  the
 an  Inter-school  Walking  Football  tournament  and Well Being. As the host of RCE Central   ribbon symbol for cancer survivors.
 in  September.  Approaching the  end of the  Semenanjung, we  are  the  looking forward to   he name KeepAble (pronounced as ‘keep-
 program, four best teams were invited to the  the next step to excel the program by involving   Table’)  reflects  the  centre’s  philosophy  to  “Living with  a  cancer  diagnosis  can  be
 National Walking Football Championship  primary school girls for our upcoming project   keep  cancer  survivors  able  and functional,  challenging,  frightening  and emotionally
 between  RCE Central  and RCE Penang that  next year.  with  a  little  community support,  said  centre  draining, but supportive care and patient self
        founder  Associate  Prof Dr Loh  Siew  Yim.  management support strategies can facilitate
        KeepAble was established to support cancer  more effective living with the condition.
        survivors  and enable them  to readjust  to  Community creative  arts  can  also  remediate
        a new day-to-day routine after  completing  impaired  cognitive  impairments  (from chemo
        drastic cancer treatment. The purple Mexican  brain) and boost creativity,  but engaging in
        petunias (Ruellia simplex) located within  psycho-social activities such as counselling is
        KeepAble Cancer Community Centre’s garden  also critical, so that no one is left to feel that they
        are  beautiful blooms that  were  purposefully  are alone in their cancer journey.  Rotary Club of
        picked  to  line  its  ribbon-shaped  reflexology  Kuala Lumpur has facilitated the construction
        path. The flowers, also known as ‘survivor’ are  of a  counselling bay.  We  have  conducted
        known for their hardy and versatile properties,  awareness activities like yearly KeepAble walks
        and serve as the icon for KeepAble  Cancer  officiated  by  Tan  Sri  Dr  M.  Mahadevan  (ex-

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