Page 26 - PULSE@UM 2nd Issue 2019
P. 26
community programmes community programmes
Chief Psychiatrist to the Government), Prof Dr. garden includes a ribbon-shaped reflexology
Awang Bulgiba, Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam. path with 143 steps for the survivors to
This year was exceptional because we had walk on and meditate. A smaller reflexology
difficulty accessing funding. We also did a path for children and senior citizens, plus
community colon cancer screening with the a corner shed for counselling and group
minimum staffing, and conducted cancer sharing. It features plants comprising herbs,
awareness talks, host international visitors, vegetables, fruits and ornamental. The
conducted Survivors day celebrations etc. planting and maintenance of the garden is
done through trial and error. It is important
KeepAble Cancer Community Centre occupies to ensure the soil is right. However, without
an old bungalow belonging to the University funding and dedicated survivor-volunteers, it
of Malaya, and is located within a stone’s is challenging to ensure all the plants thrive
throw from the university main campus. Over or are well maintained. Community gardening
the past four years, volunteers and survivors allows participants to exercise, encourage an
transformed the building and its garden eco-green initiative and get people to focus on
into a community centre, and organised a plant-based diet.
activities tailored for cancer survivors and
cancer prevention agenda. Organisations and KeepAble offers weekly activities such as Qi offering different activities, such as macrame KeepAble is also a viable training ground for
companies have also sponsored equipment gong (exercise) led by members from Zhineng (knotting string to make decorations), batik University of Malaya students on fieldwork
and building materials, or shared expertise Qigong, singing and creative arts. They try to painting, beading, cooking and baking and for developing empathy, communication,
to improve the garden soil and plants. The keep the creative arts sessions interesting by including picnics and outing. Cancer survivors organisational and leadership skills. We
are encouraged to participate in the activities encouraged students to be more active by
based on their abilities, interest and strength. taking turns to lead KeepAble’s activity such as
The place is open to cancer survivors to find Saturday morning walks by guiding survivors
their footing and regain a sense of normalcy. to walk around KeepAble’s reflexology path
We do need the involvement of University of and around the University of Malaya’s campus
Malaya staff to lend support once a week (or lake. This exercise will benefit both groups.
rather a few hours) with the centre activities. Community cancer projects and initiative
This gesture is also fundamentally important implemented as a research project should be
to break the barriers between staff and society, promoted and we are looking at such projects
and coming in on a friendlier environment to for more opportunity and engagement of
interact and ‘give back’ to society in a more undergraduate and postgraduate students too.
humane and approachable climate, away
from busy work environment. People are KeepAble Cancer Community Centre is located
more likely to do something as a group and at 13, Jalan 16/4, Off Jalan Universiti, Petaling
with support.” We have engaged survivors to Jaya. The group meets on Saturday from
facilitate sessions too. It works well both ways, 8.30am to noon. For details, visit
giving the opportunity to build self efficacy and keepablecancercommunity or email syloh@
also breaking down images of ‘dysfunction’
during survival period.
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