Page 1 - Section 9 Examination
P. 1


                                                           Section 9

                                                            Part 1
                                                      Course Assessment
                         58. Courses assessment is meant to assess the achievement of the students in a course. This

                  could be a written examination or by other means. The school must notify the students in advance.
                         The students must be assessed in all courses enrolled in each semester, except in courses
                  enrolled as visitors, withdrawn courses; or for the students who are on leave of absence.
                         59. To be eligible for the course assessment, the students must attend class regularly by

                  attending at least 80% of the study period of each course, except in the case of necessity and
                  permission of the course lecturers.

                                                            Part 2
                                                Comprehensive Examination
                         60. The comprehensive examination for master’s programs, plan B is meant to assess

                  the knowledge integration of students. It could be a written examination, an oral examination
                  or both.
                         61. Students who are eligible for the comprehensive examination must have the

                  following qualifications:
                                61.1 The students have enrolled in all courses required in the curriculum.
                                61.2 The students have accumulated a grade point average (GPAX) not lower

                  than 3.00.
                         62. The program committee must arrange the comprehensive examination at least 1
                  time each semester. The school must notify the students in advance.

                         The regulations, conditions and procedures of the comprehensive examination are in
                  accordance with the university announcement.
                         63. The comprehensive examination committee must consist of at least 3 members.
                                63.1 The program committee chairperson is the chairperson of the

                  comprehensive examination.
                                63.2 At least 1 lecturer in charge of the program is a comprehensive
                  examination committee member. An external expert can be a comprehensive examination

                  committee member.
                                The appointment of the comprehensive examination committee must be
                  approved by the program committee, the school postgraduate committee, the postgraduate
                  committee and the academic council, respectively.
                         64. The comprehensive examination committee must report the results to the program

                  committee and the school postgraduate committee within 3 weeks after the comprehensive
                  examination. The result must then be reported before the end of the semester during which the
                  comprehensive examination occurs.
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