Page 5 - Section 9 Examination
P. 5


                         81. Students who have qualifications in accordance with item 80 and have obtained the

                  approval from the dissertation/thesis/independent study advisor must submit a request for the
                  defense examination as follows:

                                81.1 Students must submit a request with a draft of a dissertation/thesis and a
                  report of plagiarism check or originality report not less than 4 weeks prior to the examination
                  to obtain the approval from the program committee, the school postgraduate committee and
                  the dean.

                                81.2 The students must submit a request with a draft of an independent study
                  and a report of plagiarism check or originality report not less than 2 weeks prior to the
                  examination to obtain the approval from the program committee, the school postgraduate
                  committee and the dean.

                         82. The advisor of a dissertation/thesis/independent study reports the result of a
                  plagiarism check to the defense examination committee.
                         83. The dissertation/thesis/independent study defense examination committee’s

                  responsibilities include revising, testing students’ knowledge by asking questions or other
                  means, checking originality of the research project, concluding the examination result and
                  approving topic changes.
                         However, the approval for the topic change must not have any impacts on the research
                  methodology stated in the previously approved proposal.

                         84. The dissertation/thesis/independent study defense examination must be conducted
                  openly. A third party may observe the examination, unless there are any parts of the
                  information that must be confidential. The advisor may request for an approval from the

                  program committee to arrange a confidential defense examination without observation of a
                  third party.
                         85. After the dissertation/thesis/independent study defense examination, the committee
                  must do as follows:

                                85.1 The committee must examine and evaluate the examination confidentially.
                  The chairperson and the committee members have one vote each. Except for the main advisor
                  and the co-advisor, who are counted as one vote. The result of the examination will be in

                  accordance with the majority rule. In case of equal votes, the chairperson of the examination
                  shall be the judge.
                                85.2 The chairperson must inform the students of the examination result.

                                85.3 The chairperson must submit the the examination result to the program
                  committee and the school postgraduate committee within 2 weeks after the examination day.
                                In the case that the students fail the examination, the chairperson must inform
                  the students of the result and provide suggestions for improvement as adviced by the
                  examination committee. The students will be notified of the schedule of the next examination.
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