Page 2 - Section 9 Examination
P. 2


                         65. The students who fail the first comprehensive examination can request for a second

                  comprehensive examination; however, if they fail the second examination, their student status
                  will be revoked.

                                                            Part 3
                                                   Qualifying Examination

                         66. The qualifying examination for doctoral programs is meant to assess the students’
                  basic knowledge, analytical skills, potentials, and readiness to conduct research
                  independently. It could be a written examination or an oral examination or both.

                         67. The students who are eligible for a qualifying examination must have the following
                                67.1 The students must have full graduate student status.

                                67.2 The students with full graduate student status who would like to change
                  educational levels must have the following qualifications:
                                        (1) The students in plan A1 must have research that has the potential to

                  develop into a doctoral dissertation.
                                        (2) The students in plan A2 must have enrolled in at least 12 credits in
                  courses that give grades as letter grades. The students’ GPAX until the last semester must not

                  be lower than 3.50. Moreover, the students must have research that has the potential to develop
                  into a doctoral dissertation.
                                The qualifying examination for graduation level change must be approved by
                  the program committee, the school postgraduate committee, the postgraduate committee and
                  the academic council, recpectively.

                         68. The doctoral degree students must take the first qualifying examination within 4
                  semesters from the first semester of study. The students must pass the qualifying examination
                  within 6 semesters from the first semester of study; otherwise, their student status will be
                         69. The program committee must arrange the qualifying examination at least 1 time

                  each semester. The school must notify the students in advance.
                         The regulations, conditions and procedures of the comprehensive examination are in
                  accordance with the university announcement.

                         70. The qualifying examination committee must consist of at least 3 members.
                                70.1 The program committee chairperson or the lecturer in charge of the
                  program who is assigned by the program committee chairperson is the chairperson of the
                  qualifying examination.

                                70.2 At least 1 lecturer in charge of the program is a qualifying examination
                  committee member. An external expert may be a qualifying examination committee member.
                                The appointment of the qualifying examination committee must be approved
                  by the program committee, the school postgraduate committee, the postgraduate committee
                  and the academic council, respectively.
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