Page 16 - Planning Group Induction Pack_Neat
P. 16

The group business plan is a key document in the DELWP planning framework and should be read in
              conjunction with the department’s corporate and business plans. These plans provide the link between the
              strategic objectives of the department, as articulated by DELWP 2020. The group plan helps us to clearly
              show how we are collaborating with our partners and provides the information that will be used to monitor our
              progress throughout the year. The group’s plan and the divisional plans that support it, provides insight into
              the operational planning and service delivery managed by our divisions. These are key management tools
              that guide the development of project plans and individual performance plans.
              Figure 1: DELWP Planning Framework

                                                                                                Planning Group  3
                                                                                                 Business Plan
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21