Page 20 - Planning Group Induction Pack_Neat
P. 20

7  Business Plan  2018-19
                                                                           We will work with communities and stakeholders to develop
                                                                Group contribution / related key government strategies
                                                                   Facilitate city and regional growth and lead land use policy
                                                                             innovative and practical approaches to maintain Victoria’s
                                                                                         and renewal of targeted urban   Planning Group
                                                      DELWP 2020 is the strategic planning framework of the department and highlights the outcomes the department works towards to implement the government’s
                                                                      to deliver positive outcomes for people who live, work,

                                                                        invest in and visit Victoria.  liveability. Facilitate development that creates attractive and  welcoming places for people. We are doing this through implementation of Plan   2050 Melbourne 2017 –  precincts.

                           There are several drivers that the Planning Group must respond to in determining our medium-term priorities. These include:

                                                                Outcome measures 1 Increase the number of households within 800  metres of services and transport (NP) Increased supply and diversity of housing in  growth and change (NP) locations identified for

                   Strategic environment

                               Population and demand growth Environmental and economic impact of climate change Demographic changes across metropolitan and regional Victoria  Continued focus on reducing costs Modernisation and technological advancement  Contribution to DELWP 2020 priorities. Table 3.1.1 shows how the group supports the achievement of DELWP 2020. Table 3.1.1: Planning Group contribution to DELWP 2020 DELWP 2020 outcomes and indicators Outcome 6: A quality built enviro

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