Page 15 - Planning Group Induction Pack
P. 15
1. Deputy Secretary’s foreword
We live in exciting times! Unprecedented growth, changing economic and industrial
landscapes, disruptive technologies and major infrastructure programs. This is the context
in which Planning will operate for the foreseeable future. Our work plays a critical role in
preparing and shaping Victoria for these challenges.
2018-19 will be a significant year for planning in Victoria as many of the changes delivered
by Smart Planning go live and we start to reap the benefits of key reforms from this
program, at the same time as we work on the next tranche of reforms. These reforms will require us to
change and rethink the way we all work. With unprecedented growth comes increased demand for and more
complex planning scheme amendments and permits, which we will deliver leveraging the Smart Planning
Victoria’s major infrastructure program relies on the fundamental work of Planning to ensure we have an
integrated transport system that connects people to jobs and services and goods to market. We will continue
our substantial investment in facilitating major infrastructure initiatives.
We will continue to invest in our people, taking actions to move us closer to our preferred culture and
investing in leadership and project management capabilities, whilst maintaining our expertise in all aspects of
planning, building and heritage.
This year Planning will deliver significant reform of the building system, including further implementation of
the recommendations from the Victorian Cladding Taskforce. We will also increase our work to protect
Victoria’s heritage assets through appropriate regulatory and enforcement actions to ensure our heritage is
an integral part of our future and contributing to the social and economic fabric of the state.
This plan sets out our priorities and core services to achieve this and more.
Christine Wyatt
Deputy Secretary, Planning Group
2 Planning Group
Business Plan