Page 24 - Planning Group Induction Pack
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4. Our people and stakeholders
4.1 Delivering on DELWP People’s Strategy 2018-2020
The DELWP People Strategy 2018-2020 sets the guiding framework for Planning’s people activities for
2018-19. It sets out the context for, and the structure of, five strategic pillars of activity to support our people,
with a set of ambitions that will help guide our decisions and actions.
The existing and new actions that Planning will undertake during 2018-19 are presented in the table below,
along with milestones and measures of performance where appropriate.
Planning will also work with the People and Culture business partners throughout 2018-19 to further extend
and refine this work program in alignment with the People Strategy.
The Planning Group has undertaken a journey over the last four years which aligns directly with the five
pillars of the DELWP People Strategy. The Planning Executive Group (PEG) recently reshaped the group’s
leadership forums, establishing the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), and the Planning Leadership Group
(PLG). The SLT and PLG will be critical to setting clear direction and strategy, building our preferred culture
and developing the leadership capability in the Planning Group to enable our people to be their best selves.
The development of a Workforce Strategic Plan is a priority for the Planning Group in 2018 -19. It is
intended that this plan will address a number of longer term workforce issues that arise from Planning’s
unique operating environment and organisational constraints. The scope, inputs, deliverables and timing of
this plan will be informed by the DELWP People Strategy action to develop a strategic workforce plan by 31
March 2019 to deliver a future-oriented workforce planning framework.
Our Aboriginal Inclusion Plan, Munganin Gadhaba, sets out DELWP's approach to inclusion for 2016-20.
The name Munganin Gadhaba is a Taungurung phrase, meaning 'Achieve Together'. It brings to life the
plan's aim to work in partnerships with Traditional Owners and Aboriginal communities across the state. The
plan reflects the key principles of the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2013-18, including:
• Establishing collaborative relationships with Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Victorians
• Caring for Country
• Self-Determination
To progress outcomes for Victoria's Traditional Owners and Aboriginal communities in relation to recognition
and respect, opportunity and prosperity, and participation and collaboration, the overarching goals of the
plan include:
• Building collaborative relationship and working partnerships with Victorian Traditional Land Owner Groups:
Increasing the involvement of Traditional Owners groups in the management of country to better achieve
our mandate and mission.
• Delivering opportunities to Aboriginal Victorians: Contributing to closing the economic gap between
Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people by creating employment and business participation opportunities
across the department.
• Creating a culturally competent DELWP: Developing a culturally safe, inclusive and diverse workplace.
Planning Group 11
Business Plan