Page 23 - Planning Group Induction Pack
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medium-term. These drivers present opportunities for the department to make an important contribution to the government’s plans to manage these issues and have

                               to workshop the department’s response to the external drivers that must be tackled over the

                                           Cross collaboration Within DELWP we would collaborate with Local  Infrastructure, EECC, FFR (Regions), Water &  Catchments Group and the VPA. Other government stakeholders include state  government agencies such as DPC, DEDJTR, IV,  DHHS, DET and Regional Partnerships, and  Commonwealth and Local Government.  Within DELWP we would collaborate with Local  Infrastructure, EECC, FFR (Regions), Water &  Catchments Group and the VPA. Other govern

                                           Planning response Investigate appetite and options for a 10-year strategic  integrated plan for Victoria that coordinates and aligns  planning to shape the future of Victoria.  The plan  could deliver an integrated "whole of government"  approach to guide the detailed planning for economic  development, transport, energy, infrastructure,  housing and land use outcomes so that Victoria will  continue to be a productive, liveable and prosperou

                               In 2018, the Executive Leadership Group met on two occasions

                                               Victoria’s population is expected to reach 7  million by 2022 and 10 million by 2050. This will  bring with it, amongst other things:  Increased demand for housing diversity and  Increased demand to facilitate land availability Demand for infrastructure to match new  housing choices in the right locations

                                           Expected impact

                            Opportunities  a significant impact on Victoria. Table 3.4.1: Group response to external drivers  •  affordability  •  •  Planning Group  Business Plan

                            3.4            Driver  Population   growth                                             10  2018-19
   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28