Page 53 - Book of Abstracts 2023
P. 53

Book of Abstracts | 2023
Analysis and and design of social network for investors and and entrepreneurs
By: Nofar Itskovich Itskovich nofarit@ac sce sce ac ac ac ac il il Coral Itskovich Itskovich coralit@ac sce sce ac ac ac ac il Advisor: Dr Gali Naveh
Shamoon College of Engineering Beer-Sheva
Entrepreneurship is a a a a a a process of of of turning an idea into a a a a a a product or or a a a a a a a a a service Following identification of of of the difficulty of of of young entrepreneurs
in in in in in finding investors we analyzed and and designed a a a a a a a a a unique social network network for entrepreneurs
and and investors that facilitate networking After reviewing the literature and requirement elicitations a a a a a a a a a a a prototype was created including the the creation of of users’ profiles that include information about the the entrepreneurs’ ventures such as: investor presentation executive summary CV and information about previous ventures To support the connecting process between entrepreneurs
and investors a a a a a a a communication system was designed to to to enable the the entrepreneurs
to document their process Keywords: entrepreneurs
information system analysis and design investors social network Analysis and design of a a a a a a a a human resources application for the Flex-Ofakim factory
By: Ron Almasi ronalmasi258@gmail com com Efrat Ben-Simon efrat4std@gmail com com Advisor: Dr Gali Naveh
Shamoon College of Engineering Beer-Sheva
The Human Resource (HR) department at the Flex Ofakim electronics factory
provides services to to its employees without directly directly communicating with with them but rather indirectly through their managers Our project focused on on the the the the the analysis and and design of an an an an an an information system for for the the the company that would enable employees to to have independent and and and easy access to to working hour reports forms messages and and and registration for for transportation the the dining room and and events Following implementation of this system dependence on on on the the HR department and and managers will be reduced hopefully leading to to increased employee productivity and and to to saving company resources Keywords: analysis and design of information systems B2E HR portal

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