Page 65 - Book of Abstracts 2023
P. 65

Book of Abstracts | 2023
Solving project risk management problems using Monte Carlo simulation
By: Tomer Azulay tomerazoulay869@gmail com Advisor: Dr Yizhaq Minchuk
Shamoon College of Engineering Beer-Sheva This study
dealt with advanced risk risk management for the the the the Engineering and and Construction Division of of of the the the the the the Ministry of of of of Defense The problems that exist are: the the the the the the probability and and and severity of of of of the the the the the the risks are are not known with certainty by the the the the the the the project managers at at at its various stages the the the the the the the cost of of of of handling each risk risk risk risk is is is is is is is is not not taken into account the the the the the risk risk risk risk management management budget is is is is is is is is not not managed and and and the the the the the prioritization of of risk risk risk risk handling is is is is is is done arbitrarily In order to to to to solve these problems my aim is is is is is is to to to to optimize risk risk risk management management planning by performing economic feasibility analyzes according to to to Monte Carlo simulation
and and statistical tests Keywords: Koskel-Wallis project management management qualitative analysis analysis of of risks risks quantitative analysis analysis of risks risk risk risk management management planning risk risk risk control
Shortening the time of of supply of of munitions to operational squadrons at at at Hatzerim Airbase
By: Or Biton or313biton@gmail com com Arik Tamam arikhtamam@gmail com com Advisor: Dr Hagai Ilani
Shamoon College of Engineering Beer-Sheva In this project we we we checked the the the the the the delivery times of of the the the the the the weapons to the the the the the the operational squadrons at at at the the the the the the Hatzerim Airbase
Using samples we we we determined the the the the the the the the effectiveness of of of mission management the the the the the the the the number of of of of of of towing sites the the the the the the the travel time from sending the the the the the the the team to to to arriving at at an an an an underground shelter and and the the the the the the types types of of of of of weapons We proposed a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a policy of of of of of reorganizing the the the the the the storage of of of of of the the the the the the types types of of of of of armaments according to to the the the the the operational requirements reducing reducing transportation distances and and and and reducing reducing the the the "non-productive time" by 27% for each trip identified and and and we proposed savings and and and improvement in in in all parameters directly affecting the the delivery time time Keywords: ALDEP CRAFT AHP fishbone diagram LEAN- Spaghetti chart

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