Page 14 - Penseal 244 100% Presentation
P. 14

8 April 2015

               Vexcon Chemicals Inc.
               7240 State Road
               Philadelphia, PA 19135

               Attention:       Mr. Darryl Manuel

               Dear Sir,

               Re:    Concrete Sealer Testing, Certi-Vex Penseal 244 100%
                      Alberta Transportation Type 1C
                      Alberta Transportation Specifications B388-2010

               As  requested,  Amec Foster  Wheeler Environment  &  Infrastructure  (AMEC)  has  conducted
               testing of a concrete sealer product, designated as Certi-Vex Penseal 244 100%, which was
               received at this office on 21 January 2015.  The tests were conducted in accordance with the
               requirements for testing specified in the Alberta Transportation (AT) Specification B388 – April
               2010, Specification for Concrete Sealers.

               The sample was tested as a Type 1C sealer, using the AT Test Method BT001, at coverage rate
               of 186.6  ml/m . The  results  of the testing  are  presented  in the  attached  concrete  sealer test

               The test results indicated that the subject product satisfied the AT Type 1C requirements for
               vapour transmission, waterproofing performance at the coverage rate tested.

               Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure
               A Division of Amec Foster Wheeler Americas Limited.
               5671 – 70 Street
               Edmonton, AB
               Canada    T6B 3P6
               Tel +1 (780) 436-2152
               Fax +1 (780) 377-3599
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