Page 15 - Penseal 244 100% Presentation
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Concrete Sealer Testing, Certi-Vex Penseal 244 100%
               Vexcon Chemicals Inc.
               7240 State Road, Philadelphia, PA 19135

               25 March 2015

               Solids content determinations were conducted on the sample and the results are provided in the
               attached Table 1.  AMEC also arranged for Infrared Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography
               analysis to be conducted on the sample by the University of Alberta, Chemistry Department,
               using  the  AT  Test  Method  BT008.  The  results  of  the  Infrared  Spectroscopy  and  Gas
               Chromatography analysis are also attached.

               If there are any questions, please contact the office.

               Respectfully submitted,

               Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure
               a Division of Amec Foster Wheeler Americas Limited

               Sultan  Butt, P.Eng.

               Enclosure:     Concrete Sealer Test Report
                              Solids Content Test Report (Table 1)
                              Infrared Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatographic Reports

               Distribution:  (Vexcon), Mr. Darryl Manuel (

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