Page 16 - Penseal 244 100% Presentation
P. 16

                                                      Engineering Stability Since 1881

                                                          10626 York Road, Suites C-D
                                                            York Ridge Center North
                                                            Cockeysville, MD 21030
                                                          T 410-825-4131 I F 321-7384

             November 3, 2015

             Vexcon Chemicals, Inc
             7240 State Road
             Philadelphia, PA, 19135
             Attn: Mr. Darryl Manuel

             Re:              Chloride Intrusion – NCHRP Report 244
             Lab #:           75P0343-201501937
             Sealer:          Certi-Vex Penseal 244-100%


             Three  concrete  specimens  were  cast  for  chloride  intrusion  testing  in  general  accordance  with  the
             procedures  outlined  in  NCHRP  Report  244.  The  first  concrete  specimen  was  designated  as  the  control
             specimen with no sealer applied to it. The other two specimens had the Certi-Vex Penseal 244-100% sealer
             applied to them. The first specimen was sealed, cured, and tested under normal lighting conditions. The
             second specimen was sealed, cured, and tested under the direct exposure of a UV light.

             Certi-Vex Penseal 244-100% was applied to the two test specimens at the coverage rate of 250 sq ft/gal
             outlined in the provided product description. The sealer was applied with a brush which was pre-saturated
             with sealer prior to application to reduce errors due to retention of sealer on the brush.

             Testing  was  started  on  specimens  ten  days  after  the  application  of  the  Certi-Vex  Penseal  244-100%.
             Specimens were exposed to a 15% aqueous solution of sodium chloride for a period of 21 days. At the end
             of testing, the specimens were split. Concrete from underneath the surface was crushed to a #50 (300 µm)
             sieve. The powder from each sample was then taken and analyzed for chloride ion content in accordance
             with  ASTM  C1218.  The  chloride  ion  content  of  each  of  the  two  test  specimens  were  compared  to  the
             control  specimen  to  determine  the  percent  reduction  of  chloride  penetration  into  the  concrete.  Water
             absorption was also measured for the control specimen and each of the two coated specimens in general
             accordance with the absorption after immersion procedure in ASTM C642. Following are the results of the

                                        Report of Testing – NCHRP Report 244

                                                                Reduction of Chloride                  Water Loss
                                        Chloride % by Weight                           Absorption %
                Test Specimen                                     Penetration into                     Reduction,
                                           (ASTM C1218)                                 by Weight
                                                                      Concrete                        % by Weight
                   Control                   0.0970 %                    --               5.41 %           --
          Certi-Vex Penseal 244-100%
                                             0.00217 %                 97.8 %             0.31 %         94.2 %

          Certi-Vex Penseal 244-100%
                                             0.00210 %                 97.8 %             0.33 %         93.9 %

                 Corporate HQ:   3015 Dumbarton Road     Richmond, Virginia  23228     T 804.264.2701     F 804.264.1202


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