Page 15 - NEPALI_SB18_David4
P. 15

ha cAzfnf]dsf] if8oGq  / ljb|f]xsf] va/ bfpmn] kfP, pgL /
         when word reached david of the
       conspiracy and rebe
ion, he and his
        pgsf clwsf/Lx¿n] ;x/af6 tTsfn efUg] of]hgf agfP .
      o icials made rapid plans to fl  the city .
                                                           x'G5, d]/f
                xh"/n] h;f] eGg'x'G5,                     lord, the
                 your servants
                are ready to do                            dxf/fh .
                 To:t} ug{nfO{ xfdL
                whatever the king
                  co ands.
                    tof/ 5f}F .
                                                                              iai, my
                                                                        OQ}, d]/f jkmfbf/ cË/Ifs,
                                                                         loyal bodyguard,
                                                                         why should you and
                                                                         ltdL lsg l;kfxLx¿ lnP/
                                   your                                  your soldiers go
                               ltdLx¿sf] jkmfbfl/                        d]/f] kl5 cfpg nfu]sf] <
                                 loyalty is
                                                                          with us? you have
                              a reciated in this                         only recently come
                              tfsf] d k|z+;f u5'{ . b/
                              hour--just leave 10                        ltdL ev{/} t csf]{ b]zaf6
                                                                           from another
                              af/ sf] b]v/]v ug{ d]/f
                             of the concubines                               country.
                                                                             cfPsf xf} <
                              !) pkkTgLx¿nfO{ rflxF
                              to take care of
                                                                   where the
                                the palace.                     /fhf hxfF hfg'x'G5 d
                                 5f]8]/ hfpmF .
                                                                 king goes we
                                                                wi  go--whether
                                                                ToxLF hfg]5', d afFr"F jf
                                                                 it means life
                                                                     d¿F .
                                                                   or death.
          /fhf / s/f/sf] ;Gb"sn] ;x/ 5f]8\bf dflg;x¿
        the people wept aloud as they saw david
       and the ark of the covenant leaving the city.
                   7"nf] :j/df /f]P .

                                                                     bfpmb / pgsf hDd} bn h}t'g
                                                                  david and his band traveled
                                                                          8fF8flt/ nfu] .
                                                                     to the mount of olives.
     142                                  II samuel 15:13-36
                                          @ zd"Pn !%M!#–#^
                                          II samuel 15:13-36
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