Page 20 - NEPALI_SB18_David4
P. 20
ltd|f lktf yfs]/ x}/fg tkfOF s]
now while
strike him
do you
ePsf] a]nf ltgnfO{ xdnf ltgnfO{ cftlÍt agfpg'xf];\ eGg'x'G5 <
your father
with te or and
/ ltgL;Fu ePsf ;a}
ug'{xf];\ .
is weary! a the people with think?
your father
dflg; ltt/lat/ x'g]5g\ . tkfO{+sf] a'af / pxfFsf
him wi fl .
and his men are
dflg;x¿ cg'ejL
7Ls xf] . ta fighters.
exce ent.
the kingdom of]4fx¿ x'g\ .
/fHo /fhfsf]
wi then be
xftdf alnof];Fu
firmly in the
king’s hand.
cfpg]5 .
g d
/fd|f] ;Nnfx xf]
advice, but I
t/ d c/sL x'z}n]
want to hear
they are
lbPsf] ;Nnfx klg ltgLx¿ clxn] aRrf
from hushai
the arkite. like bears
;'Gg rfxfG5' . vf]l;Psf efn"x¿
roed of
their cubs.
h:tf ePsf 5g\ .
your father is an
/, tkfO{+sf a'af cg'ejL of]4f
experienced fighter;
x'g''x'G5 . pxfF /ftL ;]gfl;t if he
he wi not spend the
night with the tr ps. olb pxfFn] klxn] tkfO{+nfO{
a:g'x'g]5}g .
Even now, he is hien xdnf ug'{eof] eg], of] s'/f
you first then
in a cave or some people wi only
;'Gg] dflg;x¿n] eGg]5g\
hear there is a
other place. ls cAzfnf]dsf] kl5 nfUg]
slaughter among
kmf}hx¿ t gi6 eP5g\ .
d t of] ;Nnfx lbG5' ls ;d'b|sf
I advise you to muster
up a the armies of
then you
afn'jfsf s0fh:t} O;|fPnsf ;f/f ta ltgLx¿nfO{ o'4df
israel--like the sand lead them in
kmf}hnfO{ hDdf ug'{xf];\
lnP/ hfg'xf];\ / e"OFdf
on the seashore. bale and sele
on david and his
k/]sf] zLt em}F bfpmb /
men--like dew
pgsf dflg;x¿dfly
seles on the tkfO{+sf] ;Nnfx
cf]Ol/g'xf];\ . your advice
/fd|f] 5 . d oxL
is g d. I
wi take it.
ug]{5' .
x'z}n] k"hfxf/Lx¿ ;fbf]s /
hushai met with
the priests zadok
claofyf/l;t e]6 u/] .
and abiathar.
d¿e"ldsf h+3f/x¿df
te david to
not stay at the
ga:g" t/ kfl/ uOxfNg" ;fy} pgsf] lj?4df
absalom is
egL bfpmbnfO{
ha cxLtf]k]nn] cfˆgf] ;Nnfx gdfg]sf] b]v], ta fords--but to cAzfnf]dn] zlQmzfnL
mustering a
cro over.
when he saw that his advice was not fo owed, elglbg" . powerful army
;]gf hDdf ul//x]sf]
pgL 3/ uP/ em'08]/ d/] .
ahithophel went home and hanged himself. against him.
va/ klg lbg" .
@ zd"Pn !&M!–!%
II samuel 17:1-15
II samuel 17:1-15 147