Page 21 - NEPALI_SB18_David4
P. 21

x'z}sf] ;NNffxn] bfpmbnfO{ cfˆgf] ;]gf ;+ul7t ug]{ ;do
      hushai’s advice gave david
                                                                  I wi	 go
       time to regroup in a city.                               d klg ltdLx¿l;t
                                                                out with you
                                                                  to fight.
        pgn] cfˆgf] kmf}hnfO{ of]cfa, caLz} /                    n8fOFdf hfg]5' .
          he sent the tr ps out
          in thr
 divisions under
           luQL OQ}sf] cwLgdf tLg efudf
         joab, abishai and i ai the
        gi ite who was loyal to him.                     xf]Og, xh"/ t xfdL bz xhf/
                 ljeQm u/] .
                                                           you are worth
                                                          ten thousand of
                                                          a/fa/ x'g'x'G5 .  xfdL cfw}
                   / pgn] ;a} ;]gfkltx¿                  us. even if half of
                    and he gave a
                                                         d¥of}F eg] klg pgLx¿n] jf:tf
                   clear co and to
                  / kmf}hnfO{ :ki6 lgb]{zg               us die they wi	 not
                  a  the co anders
                                                         ug]{5}g . ltgLx¿n] tkfO{+nfO{
                   and the tr ps…                         care. they want
                                                             vf]h]sf 5g\ .
                                                             only you.
                                cAzfnf]dl;t rflxF
                                 gently with
                                the young man
                                 d]/f] vflt/ g/d
                                 absalom for
                                 Jojxf/ ug"{  .
                                  my sake.
                                                           n8fOF Pk|mfOdsf] jgdf eof] . To; lbg aL;
                                                         the ba le t k place in the forest
                                                          of ephraim. twenty thousand were
                                                          xhf/ dflg;x¿ dfl/P  / jgdf gi6 ePsfx¿
                                                        slain that day and the forest claimed
                                                             t/jf/n] dg]{ dflg;x¿eGbf w]/} lyP .
                                                         more lives that day than the sword.

                                                     bfpmbsf dflg;x¿n] cAzfnf]dnfO{
                                                     and absalom met david’s
                                                        men in an o way.
                                                        gkTofpFbf] cj:yfdf e]6] .

     148                                  II samuel 18:1-9
                                           @ zd"Pn !*M!–(
                                          II samuel 18:1-9
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