Page 24 - NEPALI_SB18_David4
P. 24

there is
          csf]{ Ps hgf dflg;  To;n] klg /fd|f]
                       he must
           klg PSn} s'b\b}
                      ;dfrf/ NofpFb}
          man ru ing  have g d
                      news, t .
           cfO/x]sf] 5 .  xf]nf .

        the first
        klxnf] JolQm
        one runs
        cxLdf; h:t}
        like it is
         ahim z.
        bf}l8Fb} 5 .
                                            a g d
                                            c;n dflg;
                                           z'eva/;lxt Û
                                             g d

                                                               clg Tof] hjfg dflg;   there was
                                                               what about the
          ;a} s'zn}                                              young man--  /fhfnfO{ va/ lnP/
           a  is
                                                                               great confusion
           we !   god                                          cAzfnf]d  s'zn} 5 <  just as I was
            5 Û
                                                                 is absalom
               xh"/sf] lj?4df p7\g]
                                                                              about to leave
               has delivered                                       safe?      cfpg] a]nfdf ToxfF 7"nf]
                                                                               with the king’s
               dflg;x¿nfO{ k/dk|e'n]
              up the men who                                                  v}nfa}nf ePsf] lyof] .
               lifted their
              xh"/sf] xftdf ;'lDklbg'ePsf]                                       meage.
              hands against
                   5 .
                the king.
                                                           Totf uP/
                                                            ple .

                                                                            /fhfsf ;a} zq'x¿ hf]
                   xh"/sf] lj?4df p7\g] ;a}af6
        dxf/fh, z'e
       my lord the  the lord has delivered  clg hjfg                        may the enemies
                                                                            xh"/sf] xflg ug{ vf]H5g\
                   you today from a  who
        king, hear
                                         dflg; cAzfnf]
       va/ ;'Gg'xf];\ . k/dk|e'n] cfh tkfO{+nfO{ p4f/   young man--       of my lord and a
        the g d
                      rose up against
                                                                           who rise up to harm
                                                                            you be like that
                                           is he
          news.         ug'{ePsf] 5 .   d, s] pgL s'zn}                     pgLx¿sf] bzf klg To;
                                                                              young man.
                                          5g\ t <                          hjfg dflg;sf] h:t} xf];\ .

                                          @ zd"[Pn !*M@^–##
                                         II samuel 18:26-33                              151
                                         II samuel 18:26-33
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