Page 29 - NEPALI_SB18_David4
P. 29

the people
             ;]gfklt of]cfa / ;]gfklt            z]afnfO{ ;+/If0f lbPsf]
               general joab
                                                  of abel beth
                                                 df xflan a]y dfsfsf
            and general abishai--                m cah wi  pay
             caLz},  ;a} s'/f 7Ls 5 .
            everything is in place.              dflg;x¿n] ca d"No
                                                 for sheltering
             the men of zebulon
            ;fFem;Dddf 9f]sf elTsg]5                 sheba.
                                                     ltg]{5 .
             expect the d r to
            egL h]a'n"gsf dflg;x¿n]
              give way before
              the end of day.
               cfzf u/]sf 5g\ .

                listen to
              ;'Gg'xf];\ t, tkfO{+sf]
               what your
               bf;Ln] s]xL eGg
              servant has                           xfd|f] ;x/ O;|fPndf cfdf
                                                                         far be it from me to
                 to say.                          our city is a mother in  gi6 ug'{rflxF d af6 k/} /xf];\ .
                                                    dflgG5 . lsg zflGtlk|o /
                 vf]Hb}5 .
                                                   israel. Why destroy
                                                                         swa ow up. But you
                                                                         t/ tkfO{+x¿n] laqmLsf 5f]/f z]
                                                    the peaceful and    are sheltering sheba,
                                                     /fheQm ;x/nfO{ gi6
                                                        faithful?       afnfO{ ;+/If0f lbO/xg'ePsf] 5
                                                                         son of bikri, who has
                                                        rfxfg'x'G5 <
                                                                           raised his hand
                                                                         h;n] /fhf bfpmbsf] lj?4df
                                                                            against king
                                                                            xft p7fPsf] 5 .
                                                                                  p;nfO{ xfd|f]
                                                                                  him over
                                                                                 xftdf ;'lDkb]pm
                                                                                  and I wi
                                                                                  / xfdL oxfFaf6
                                                                                   hfg]5f}F .
                                      I am
                                   cF, d ;'Gb}5' .
                                                     you wi
                                                    xfdL p;sf] lz/
                                                   have his head
                                                   kvf{naf6 tkfO{+sxfF
                                                   thrown over
                                                     ˆofFlsg]5 .
                                                     the wa .
                                                                sound the
                                                              t'/xL ahfcf] / oxfFaf6
                                                               trumpet and
                                                                xfdL hfcf}F . xfdL
                                                               withdraw the
                                                              ram. we return
                                                               o¿zn]d kmls{g]5f}F .
                                                                 to israel.

     156                                  II samuel 20:1-22
                                           @ zd"Pn @)M!–@@
                                          II samuel 20:1-22
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