Page 26 - NEPALI_SB18_David4
P. 26
and so after the defeat of absalom,
cAzfnf]dsf] k/fhokl5, bfpmb / pgsf
david and his army returned to cro over
;]gfx¿n] o¿zn]d kms{g ob{g gbL kf/ u/] .
the jordan river on their way to jerusalem.
cfkm"nfO{ ;/fKg] lzdL / hf]gfygsf 5f]/f dkLaf]z]tnfO{
he extended mercy to shimei who had cursed
him and to mephibosheth, the son of jonathan.
pxfFn] s[kf b]vfpg'eof] .
xfd|f dflg;¿nfO{
there is
d]/f ldq, d;Fu} ob{g
barzi ai, who my g d friend,
vfg]s'/f h'6fpg]
provided for cro the jordan
gbL t/]/ hfpmF / d
our men.
alh{Nn} ToxfF 5 . with me and I wi
ltd|f] lglDt a:g] vfg]
provide for you
in jerusalem.
k|aGw ul/lbg]5' .
I am 80
d c;L jif{sf] eO;s]F .
years old and
d}n] vfP lkPsf] s'/fsf]
caot taste or
dnfO{ :jfb x'Fb}g . To;}
hear--why should
n] d xh"/sf] ef/ x'g lsg
I go and be a
burden to you?
xh"/l;t hfg] <
I want
d d]/f dftf lktfsf lrxfg;Fu}
to be buried by
my parents but wi
ufl8g rfxG5' t/ d clns
cro over a short
k/;Dd xh"/l;t hfg]5' .
distance with you.
x]/ t, O;|fPnsf
l k--it
is the men of
dflg;x¿ xfd|f
/fhfnfO{ e]6\g
to the lord
my king.
cfO/x]sf 5g\ .
II samuel 19:11-40 153
II samuel 19:11-40
@ zd"Pn !(M!!–$)