Page 12 - NEPALI_SB18_David4
P. 12
she went straight to
aflx/ hfpm . d]/f] cFxF Û dnfO{ o;/L pgL ;Lw} cfˆgf] efO cAzfnf]dsxfF uOg\ .
get out.
get out of sending me her brother absalom.
sf]7faf6 aflx/
lgsfNg' tkfO{+n] dl;t
my r m! away would be my sister, what is
uOxfn Û
alxgL, s] eof] < s;/L
worse than
ug'{ePsf] sfdeGbf wrong--and why is
what you
emg\ gLr s'/f xf] . your royal robe
ltd|f] j:q Rofltof] <
just did.
x] rfs/x¿ xf],
come get this
o; :qLnfO{ clxNo}
woman and
remove her--
lgsfn]/ k7fpm Û
xfd|f ;f}tn] efO cdgf]gn]
amnon has forced
dnfO{ ha{h:tL s/0fL u/]/
himself upon me
dnfO{ ckdflgt u/]sf] 5 .
and disgraced me.
but absalom had
when king david heard the news
ha /fhf bfpmbn] of] s'/f ;'g], ta pgL qmf]lwt eP======t/ of] t/ cAzfnf]dsf c¿ of]
other plans…
he was furious…but he did nothing hgfx¿ lyP=======
ck/fwsf] nflu cDfgf]gnfO{ ;hfo lbg pgn] s]xL u/]gg\ . there,
to punish amnon for the crime.
d]/L alxgL, ltdL d]/f]
there my sister…
you wi now come
3/sf] 5td'lg ;'/lIft
under my r f and
/xg]5f} .
two years later, when the king’s
b'O{ jif{kl5 ha /fhfsf 5f]/fx¿ Pp6f ef]hsf] nflu
sons were gathered together for a
hDDff eP, ta cAzfnf]dn] cfˆgf] abnf lnP .
absalom had amnon a a inated in
feast, absalom exacted his revenge. cAzfnf]dn] k|ltzf]w:j?k cdgf]gsf] xTof ug{ nufPsf lyP .
revenge--and absalom fled into exile--
cAzfnf]dn] xTofkl5 pgL efu]/ uP / tLg jif{;Dd lgjf{l;t eP .
where he stayed for thr years.
absalom is
abnf lnO5f8] .
p;sL alxgL
and his
vflt/ .
@ zd"Pn !#M!(–#*
II samuel 13:19-38
II samuel 13:19-38 139