Page 9 - NEPALI_SB18_David4
P. 9
d}n] kfk
I have
si ed.
u/]sf] 5' . k/dk|e'n] tkfO{+sf] gftfg cfˆgf] 3/ kms]{kl5 aRrf
after nathan left the
the lord
la/fdL k¥of] .
has taken away child was struck i .
kfk nlulbg'ePsf] 5
your sin. you
are not going
. tkfO{+ dg'{x'g]5}g .
to die.
t/ o; sfdåf/f tkfO{+n]
because you
treated the lord
k/dk|e'nfO{ t'R5 7fGg'ePsf]
bfpmb 3/leq uP / pkjf;;lxt
with such contempt in david went into seclusion
n] tkfO{+af6 hGd]sf] 5f]/f]rflxF
this ma er, the son and fasted and prayed.
k|fy{gf u/] .
dg]{5 .
born to you wi die.
aRrf d¥of] egL xfdLn] / aRrf d/]sf] va/ xfdLn]
we can’t te the
if we inform him
is the
king that his son is the child is dead s] aRrf
fhfnfO{ eGg'x'Fb}g . aRrf
pxfFnfO{ lbof}F eg] pxfFn]
dead. if he wouldn’t he may do some- child
lhpFbf] 5Fb} pxfFn] s]xL
dead ?
eat when the child thing desperate d/] / <
a]r}g eP/ cfkm}nfO{
vfg'ePsf] lyPg, ca pxfFn] xflg ug'{'xf]nf lg .
was alive what wi
and harm
he do now? himself.
s] ug'{xf]nf <
dxf/fh .
after david had go en up from
ta bfpmb e'OFaf6 p7], :gfg u/]/ t]n nfP /
the ground, he washed and put
oils on his body and went into
k/dk|e'sf] dlGb/df uP/ cf/fwgf u/] .
the temple to worship god.
136 II samuel 12:13-31, psalm 51
II samuel 12:13-31, psalm 51
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