Page 4 - NEPALI_SB18_David4
P. 4
bfpmbn] o'4sf] af/]df pgLl;t ;f]w] .
david asked for a report on the
men and the war. then he said…
clg pgn] eg]=====
t/ pl/ofx uP/ b/af/sf]
you have
ltdL nfdf] b"/L ofqf instead uriah slept
at the entrance to
traveled a
d"nåf/df ;'t] .
u/]sf cfPsf 5f}
great distance. the king’s palace.
go home and
. 3/ hfpm / ltd|L
be with your
kTgLl;t xf]pm .
why did
uP /flt ltdL
you not go
home last
lsg 3/ uPgf} <
I could
/fhfsf dflg;x¿ v'nf
not do such
d}bfgdf ;'lt/x]sf lyP
a thing while
clg d rflxF s;/L
the king’s men
sl p in open
cfˆgL kTgLl;t ;'Tg
;Sy]F / <
pl/ofx /S;L vfP/ 3/ uO{ cfˆgL kTgLl;t
;'Tg hfg]5 clg ;a}n] a]yz]af cfˆgf] kltåf/f
david hoped to get uriah drunk
so he would go home, and
ue{jtL ePsf] xf] egL ;f]Rg]5g\ egL bfpmbn]
others would think bathsheba
cfzf u/]sf lyP .
was pregnant by her husband.
but the king’s plan to cover
t/ cfˆgf] kfk 9fs5f]k ug]{ bfpmbsf] of]hgf c;kmn eof]
up his sin failed, as uriah again
lsgls pl/ofx uP/ b/af/sf] aflx/ ;'t] .
slept outside the palace.
II samuel 11: 6-14 131
II samuel 11: 6-14
@ zd"Pn !!M^–!$